"Battle Without Honor Or Humanity" — FOR Humanity
For millennia, the elites have vied for power, but now they wield unprecedented control. This is the make-or-break fight for our identity, freedom, and autonomy.
The concentration of elite power over human societies began with the Neolithic revolution 12,000 years ago and was further hastened with the emergence of human civilization 7,000 years later. Since then, ordinary people have been engaged in a continuous struggle to protect ourselves against the relentless efforts of the elites to subjugate and exploit us, while laying claim to the majority of Earth's resources.
Throughout history, we have battled elites in various domains, including political leaders such as pharaohs and emperors, religious figures like the popes and Vatican officials, financial elites such as the City of London Corporation, national monarchs and political elites, and most recently, a global elite wielding immense technological, economic, political, military, and other forms of control over the entire planet.
There exists a critical distinction between the previous conflicts and the present one. If we fail to triumph in this battle, there will be no opportunity for redemption. The Long War against humanity will be irrevocably lost, and there will be no future opportunity to turn the tide.
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The stakes have never been higher. The outcome of this battle will determine whether humanity will flourish or perish. The global elite's agenda is to exert total control over humanity, and they have amassed enormous power through technology, finance, politics, and other means to achieve this goal. The outcome of this struggle will decide whether humanity will have autonomy and freedom or be forever subjected to a dystopian reality where the elites reign supreme.
This battle is crucial as it encompasses everything that defines us as human beings: our identity, freedom, rights, privacy, dignity, and free will, along with other qualities that give meaning to our existence. And yes, this fight is also about gaining control over the planet and all its resources.
While it is accurate to say that no individual possesses all of these attributes entirely—after all, who can claim complete freedom in our current world?—and many people continue to lack these qualities in any significant manner, it remains true that the totalitarian agenda being enforced on us will redefine the very notion of "human" in ways previously unthinkable. This program's success would result in the complete elimination of any remaining human "free will."
The outcome of this battle will determine the kind of world in which we live, the kind of people we will become, and whether we will have any say in our destiny. It is critical to recognize the severity of the situation and the importance of the fight ahead. Our very survival as humans is at stake.
Despite the persistent efforts of those who are cognizant of the true extent of this struggle, elites have employed various methods to ensure that the vast majority of "ordinary" people either fail to recognize the conflict or futilely express their dissent within frameworks established and regulated by the elites themselves, rendering it ineffective.
The Machinery Inside The Belly of the Beast
The Illusion of Democracy: How Elites Use Our Belief in the System to Maintain Power and Disperse Dissent
One crucial technique by which elites have subdued effective opposition is through convincing us to embrace the illusion of "democracy." They persuade us to believe in two fallacies: that we are making choices about who governs us and that those we elect will represent us. This way, it appears that we have a voice, and our dissent is acknowledged and valued, when, in reality, it is only dispersed.
It is essential to recognize that the current political system is not a genuine democracy, but rather a sophisticated tool employed by the elites to maintain their grip on power while perpetuating the illusion of popular participation. Genuine dissent and change cannot be achieved within this framework. We must develop alternative methods to reclaim our power and challenge the status quo.
Unmasking the Illusion of Legal Recourse: How Elites Perpetuate Oppression and Control
Elites have also diverted our attention from the true locus of power in society by persuading us that we have legal avenues for seeking redress against injustice, including the wrongs perpetrated against us by the elites who exploit and even kill us. This belief may lead us to feel as though we have a chance to hold the powerful accountable, but in reality, this mechanism serves to preserve world created to benefit those who control it.
The legal system is designed and controlled by the same elites who benefit from the current power structure. They have manipulated the law to ensure that it primarily serves their interests, providing only the semblance of justice to the powerless. In practice, the legal system is an instrument of oppression that bolsters the elites' power rather than limiting it.
To effect meaningful change, we must recognize that the legal system is merely another cog in the machinery of elite control and develop alternative means of confronting and challenging the elites' power if we are to succeed in our struggle for freedom, dignity, and autonomy.
Compulsory Education: A Tool for Elite Control Over Society
The compulsory education systems designed by elites are an integral tool for maintaining control over societies. From a young age, children are placed within a standardized system that values conformity over individuality. The educational curriculum is designed to ensure that children are taught a specific set of skills and knowledge that align with the needs and interests of the elites.
This education system is designed to eliminate any potential for independent thought or creativity that a child may possess. Instead, children are taught to think and behave in a manner that conforms to the expectations of the elites. This approach ensures that the future generation is less likely to challenge the status quo and more likely to continue the cycle of obedience and subservience.
Moreover, the education system channels the unique emotional, intellectual, sensory, and physical potential of a child to serve the elite's interests. Children are trained to become obedient workers and consumers who serve the interests of the elites, rather than individuals with the potential to create meaningful change in the world.
It is crucial to recognize the role that education plays in maintaining the status quo and perpetuating the elites' control. If we are to break free from this cycle, we must develop alternative education models that prioritize individuality, creativity, and critical thinking. We must foster a learning environment that encourages children to question the world around them and to develop their unique potential in a way that serves the collective good rather than the interests of a privileged few.
Propaganda and Violence: Limiting Individual Potential for Change
Elites maintain their control over populations through the extensive use of propaganda, which is often disguised as education, entertainment, and news. The propaganda is carefully crafted to ensure that the majority of the population passively submits to the elite's directives.
The use of violence is also a significant tool used by elites to maintain control over individuals from a young age. This violence can take many forms, including visible, invisible, and utterly invisible violence. Children and adolescents are subjected to this violence, which is designed to terrorize them into submissive obedience.
The violence is so pervasive that it can lead to the elimination of an individual's sense of self and their capacity to critique society and resist violence and exploitation. Only a rare individual can withstand this onslaught and emerge with the ability to think critically and challenge the current state of affairs.
It is essential to recognize the role of propaganda and violence in perpetuating the elite's control and limiting individuals' potential to create meaningful change. To break free from this cycle, we must develop a critical awareness of the propaganda we consume and learn to resist the violence used to maintain a world in which the elites can rampage without oversight.
Moreover, we must create safe spaces for children and adolescents to explore their unique potential, encourage their creativity, and foster critical thinking. We must empower individuals to develop their sense of self and challenge the violence and exploitation they encounter in their daily lives. By doing so, we can create a society that values individuality, creativity, and critical thinking, rather than passive obedience to the whims of the elite.
The Elites' Desire for Control and the Potential for Transhuman Slavery
As we are five months into 2023, we find ourselves in the midst of a crucial fight to safeguard humanity. Unfortunately, the majority of the population remains oblivious to the situation, and those who are aware often express their opposition through channels controlled by the elites or still fall for the idea that the opposing party may resolve their problems.
The World Economic Forum has made its intentions clear through one of its promotional videos, stating that by 2030, individuals will "own nothing and be happy." This statement is indicative of the elites' desire to maintain control over the population and limit individual agency and autonomy. And guess what? They are winning.
It is becoming increasingly likely that the transformation taking place will result in a shift of wealth from the less fortunate to those who will soon own everything, including you. Moreover, the technologies being developed have the potential to eliminate one's free will and eradicate the concept of happiness.
In essence, a transhuman slave would require nothing and only experience emotions that have been pre-programmed. As a worker, soldier, or consumer, the transhuman slave would simply perform its assigned tasks until it is no longer functional and is “decommissioned.”
A human being without free will cannot resist because they do not know that they are enslaved.
A Plan Decades in the Making
Amidst the pretext of a virus, the Global Elite has been surreptitiously executing their ultimate 'kill and control' plan through the World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset', which outlines alterations to nearly 200 aspects of human life (which I have unraveled here). Refer to 'The Great Reset' section of this Substack for more information. By the way, were you ever asked for your opinion on whether you'd like to consume lab-grown 'meat' or insects instead of real food?
The "Great Reset" is not simply a spontaneous response to current events, but a carefully crafted plan aimed at reducing a significant portion of the human population and turning those who remain into transhuman slaves in a world dominated by technology.
Every day, while most people are busy trying to live their lives as best they can amidst the ongoing destruction of liberties and the various restrictions and disruptions a plethora of fabricated crises has caused, the Global Elite is quietly and steadily implementing its long-planned agenda to reshape the world in their image. Politicians around the world are compliantly enacting measures that destroy everything we have ever known, all while the noose tightens around our collective necks.
But there's more to this agenda than what is commonly discussed as part of the "Great Reset." The World Health Organization, for instance, is promoting its initiative to create a "Pandemic Treaty," which they present as a means to "build a more robust global health architecture that will protect future generations." On the surface, this may sound like a noble goal, but there are concerns about what this treaty would actually entail and who would be making the decisions under it. Many worry that it could be used to consolidate even more power in the hands of the Global Elite and further restrict individual freedoms. The creation of such a treaty would strip away jurisdiction from national, state, and provincial governments. Elected governments would cede away the right to formulate local health care policies through democratic means in the public interest. Something the WEF would love to see.
It is important to recognize that the recent encroachments on national sovereignty, particularly in the context of health and the COVID-19 pandemic, are just the latest developments in a longstanding process of global control by the Global Elite. This elite has exerted its influence over national governments and international organizations for decades, if not centuries, through various means such as economic manipulation, media control, and political lobbying.
While the formalization of this process through initiatives such as the World Health Organization's proposed Pandemic Treaty and the World Economic Forum's Great Reset may seem like new developments, they are simply the latest tactics in a larger strategy of global domination. It is indispensable to keep in mind that these initiatives are not created for the benefit of the general population, but rather to serve the interests of the Global Elite.
Furthermore, these encroachments on national sovereignty should not be viewed isolated. Rather, they are part of a larger trend towards centralization of power and control, with the ultimate goal of creating a global government and eradicating individual freedoms. This trend can be seen in the ongoing efforts towards global governance, including the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the push for a global carbon tax.
World Government Summit and Other Group Cuddling Events for Megalomaniacs
The annual World Government Summit (WGS) took place in Dubai on March 29-30, 2022, as reported by the 'World Government Summit 2022'. The conference was organized and hosted by the United Arab Emirates, a country that has been criticized for its authoritarian rule and violations of human rights (but I know, as long as you can visit a completely empty waterpark that defies its existence, it is fine to close your eyes).
The summit served as a platform for "thought leaders, global experts, and decision makers" to come together from different parts of the world to discuss and contribute to the development of policies, models, and tools that are crucial in shaping the future of governments.
According to the ‘World Government Summit Community’, the gathering of public and private sector thought leaders, as well as world-renowned experts, presents an opportunity to collaborate and develop solutions to improve the lives of citizens worldwide. The Summit achieves this through partnerships and memberships that bring together change makers to shape a brighter future for humanity. However, it is disconcerting to note that the WGS did not feel the need to solicit the input of underrepresented groups such as women, indigenous peoples, working people, the poor, the homeless, the unemployed, farmers, non-white people, religious people, and others. Instead, the WGS deemed it sufficient for the "world renowned experts" to design a better life for citizens across the world without their consultation. One would think that these high-profile individuals fully comprehend the struggles that many people face every day, especially those with different worldviews or who are not white, wealthy, and "well-connected" — or is that not what they try to make us feel bad about every day?
As evident from the UAE's long-standing history of human rights abuses, it is clear that the world being introduced through the World Government Summit is one where basic human rights are sacrificed. Attendees of the Summit seemed to be in full support of the UAE's merciless approach to human rights. These individuals envision a future where oppressive technological systems operate invisibly, and the average person is left powerless to prevent exclusion or punishment based on their social credit score.
From 10-13 November 2021, the World Economic Forum sponsored The Great Narrative Meeting (which I covered hereand here), which aimed to bring together top thinkers from different fields and regions, including futurists, scientists, and philosophers, to co-create a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable vision for our collective future. The WEF described the forum as a collaborative effort of the world's leading minds to fashion longer-term perspectives and generate a narrative that can guide the creation of this vision.
Fortunately, there is a silver lining: Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, who authored The Great Reset, have also written a book titled For a Better Future, which covers The Great Narrative. This means that you can read up on their plans for you and what they have in store. However, it's crucial to read between the lines and understand their true intentions.
Strategic Resistance: Undermining the Elite's Power and Protecting Humanity's Future
It is important for individuals to remain vigilant and informed about these ongoing developments, and to actively resist any attempts to erode national sovereignty and individual freedoms. It is only through collective action and awareness that we can hope to maintain our autonomy and prevent the emergence of a dystopian global order.
Therefore, instead of being distracted by these latest developments and attempting to resist them by engaging with elite representatives or desperately trying to talk sense into woke imbeciles, a more effective strategy would be to target the entire agenda of the Global Elite by dismantling their power structure. This can be achieved by educating ourselves and others on the nature of elite power and by building collective power at the grassroots level through community organizing, direct action, and the creation of alternative institutions. It is only by challenging the structural roots of elite power that we can truly achieve meaningful change and safeguard our autonomy and well-being.
As you reflect on the scale of this elite endeavor, I urge you to contemplate the true nature of effective resistance in this situation. Simply pleading with agents of the elite, including politicians, to solve the problem for us will not lead to success. It's worth noting that in the past 2 years, five presidents who opposed the elite's narrative have been assassinated, serving as a grim reminder of this fact.
To effectively resist and ultimately defeat the Elite's agenda, it is important to take focused and strategic actions that undermine their power to implement their plan. Instead of relying on elite agents such as politicians to address the problem, we must engage in a more proactive approach.
One way is to launch campaigns that encourage all sectors of society to refuse to develop, make available, purchase or use technologies associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution and transhumanism. This includes technologies such as 5G and 6G, military weapons, AI, big data, nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, Internet of Things, and quantum computing, as these technologies have the potential to subvert human identity, freedom, dignity, volition, and privacy.
Furthermore, this strategy involves collaborating with frontline personnel such as police, military personnel (including veterans), firefighters, healthcare professionals, and emergency call-takers to encourage them to refuse to enforce the elite's directives being implemented by governments.
One of the most crucial and fundamental actions we can take is to educate others and free them from the grip of corporate media. We must bring them on board with independent journalists and writers, and persuade them that we all have a common enemy.
The Global Elite has launched a program to reduce the human population and enslave the remaining individuals. They have agents in various sectors, including international organizations, politicians, medical professionals, government, and corporate media, implementing this program on their behalf.
It is crucial to remember that if we do not defend our humanity now, there will be no opportunity to fight in the future. This is the final battle, and it is up to us to act.
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That's really well expressed, Lily. Well done.
Over the last couple of years I have repeatedly thought "Ah this! If only people could listen to/watch just one thing to open their eyes, THIS would do well".
Well, this is another such: a difficult achievement for just the written word.
Awesome article, and very good conclusions! Thank you very much for your work Lily!