Our society is currently grappling with an overwhelming phenomenon known as the “Great Crowd Derangement.” It is a pervasive state in which individuals, regardless of their public or private settings, exhibit increasingly feverish, irrational, and herd-like behavior that is disheartening to witness. This derangement permeates both online and offline realms, further amplifying its impact on our daily lives. Yet, despite the ubiquitous presence of its symptoms, the true causes of this distressing phenomenon remain obscured, evading our collective understanding.
In the quest for clarity, various explanations have been put forth to shed light on the origins of this societal malaise. Some attribute it to the aftermath of a consequential Presidential election, suggesting that the heated political climate and divisive rhetoric have contributed to this wave of derangement. Others point to cultural changes that have reshaped societal norms and values, leading to a general sense of disorientation and discord. While these explanations may provide glimpses into the complex tapestry of our current state, they fail to fully unearth the underlying roots of this collective upheaval.
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