Down the Rabbit Hole: The Rockefeller Panel Discussions
In the Globalists’ Own Words: The True Purpose of BRICS in the New World Order
In the annals of American history, long before the phrase "New World Order" (NWO) was popularized by President George H.W. Bush, the Rockefeller dynasty and their loyalists were already meticulously crafting a grand scheme to leverage America's post-World War 2 dominance to usher in such a global regime.
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Recently, I sat in my library, staring at the bookshelf and a compelling tome titled "Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports" stared back at me. This book, a brainchild of the 1956 Rockefeller Brothers Fund initiative known as the Special Studies Project, provides a detailed roadmap for the multilateral/multipolar New World Order that we are witnessing unfold today.
To save you from navigating a 500-page document, I'll be highlighting its most captivating parts exclusively for my valued paid subscribers. But even as a free subscriber, you can read along for a bit.
In the wake of the Second World War and the subsequent establishment of the United Nations (an institution the Rockefellers played a pivotal role in founding and financing), the Special Studies Project, under the stewardship of Henry Kissinger, was established with a dual purpose:
Firstly, to devise a strategic plan to realize the "elite's" enduring ambition of a global government within the existing post-war climate. The audacity of this plan lies in its assumption that a select few, the self-proclaimed “elite”, are entitled to dictate the trajectory of the world, disregarding the sovereignty of nations and the self-determination of peoples. This is a stark contrast to the democratic principles that supposedly underpin our societies, revealing the hypocrisy at the heart of these power structures.
Secondly, to artfully package this agenda in a manner that would appeal to the American public, convincing them that it aligns with their best interests. This is a masterclass in manipulation, a testament to the power of rhetoric and spin. It is a cynical ploy to exploit the patriotism and goodwill of the American people, using their dreams of peace and prosperity as a smokescreen for this audacious power grab.
Upon completion of their work, the Special Studies Project’s various panels compiled their reports in an incomplete, sanitized, and heavily spun book, the above-mentioned Prospect for America. The book spells out how to sacrifice the national interests of the United States for “helping to shape a new world order.”1
To begin our journey through the Rockefeller plan for the NWO, let’s start with their definition of the Old World Order (OWO).
The second chapter in the Second Report, is ironically titled “The Nature of the Problem2” The problem, of course, is the Old World Order.
“The central political fact of our time is the disintegration of the international system that dominated world affairs until the outbreak of World War II. Until the turn of the century, thirteen empires ruled the world. … World War I led to the collapse of the German, Austrian, Turkish, and Russian empires. By 1955, most of the remaining imperialist systems had dissolved. The nineteenth-century system of empires, as a means of maintaining world order, arranging world economics, and settling international disputes, has collapsed.3”
In their insatiable quest for global domination, the clandestine puppet masters, whom — for simplicity — I dub the globalists, found themselves at an impasse: The constructs of empires, inherently territorial, competitive, and nationalistic, proved resistant to the external manipulation necessary for worldwide governance. It became abundantly clear that these systems required a complete overhaul, making way for more pliable structures to facilitate the globalists’ consolidation agenda.
The globalists orchestrated and funded the catastrophic events of not one, but two world wars, with the malevolent intent of dismantling the old empires and cultivating international turmoil. From the ashes of this chaos, they envisioned the emergence of a New World Order, a nefarious plan disguised as a beacon of hope for the war-weary masses.
As the dust settled after each global conflict, the globalists swiftly sowed the seeds of global governance, attempting to capitalize on the vulnerability of a fractured world. However, much to their chagrin, these seeds failed to take root as anticipated.
“Twice within a generation the United States has been instrumental in bringing a world organization into being: the League of Nations in 1919 (though we refused to join) and the United Nations in 1945. In both instances the impetus was the belief that the interdependence of nations, demonstrated in two catastrophic wars, had to find an institutional expression. In each case high hopes were not fully realized because the formal institutions of the world organizations were designed to achieve more than the consensus of existing shared aspirations was prepared to support.4”
Let us dissect the previous quote and expose its true implications: the nations were seemingly reluctant to relinquish their sovereignty to the globalist institutions, a dilemma the globalists sought to rectify by engineering the Cold War – a masterful manipulation between the United States and the Soviet Union.
In a shrewd display of political puppetry, the globalists exploited the fears of nations, dangling the threats of Soviet and American aggression to coerce countries into choosing sides for their own protection. This orchestrated climate of terror compelled the formation of alliances, each side pressured to intensify economic and defensive collaboration to counteract the looming menace posed by the opposition.
Those indoctrinated to believe in the ideals of the “people's (communist) world” were manipulated into uniting against the perceived threats of the “imperialist world.” Conversely, those brainwashed into embracing the values of the “free world” were coerced into forging alliances to defend against the alleged encroachment of the “Soviet sphere.” Oh, the grand illusion of choice!
This Machiavellian strategy served to further the globalists’ agenda of global consolidation, as the fear-driven alliances unwittingly surrendered their autonomy to the very globalist institutions they were initially hesitant to embrace.
“While the Soviet threat in the field of foreign economic policy is potentially formidable, it must be seen in its proper perspective. It is menacing to the degree that the cohesion of the free world is inadequate. The selective economic program of the Soviet Union is politically effective primarily to the extent that weak countries must face the strong Soviet economy alone. If these countries are part of larger groupings, they will be able to resist pressure more easily and negotiate on a more nearly equal basis.5”
The American populace was systematically conditioned to perceive the “Red Menace” as an existential threat, a matter of life and death.
“It is crucial from the point of view of our survival and the survival of freedom everywhere.6”
The Cold War, much like the current array of orchestrated conflicts that plague our world (Israel, Ukraine, and the China Seas), served a singular purpose: to coerce nations into aligning with one side or the other, ultimately paving the way for a global order.
Once this nefarious objective was achieved, the Cold War was unceremoniously ended, allowing the two opposing factions to be merged under the banner of the New World Order (NWO). It should come as no surprise that the blueprint for this brave new world can be found in Prospect for America.
It becomes increasingly apparent that the true enemy is not the perceived threat of communism, terrorism, or any other -ism the powers that be seek to peddle. Rather, it is the insidious agenda of the globalists, who manipulate the geopolitical landscape with the precision of a master chess player, all in the name of global consolidation and control.
On page 26 we are being told what the globalists are hoping for:
“The hoped-for result is peace in a world divided into smaller units, but organized and acting in common effort to permit and assist progress in economic, political, cultural, and spiritual life. Such a community must facilitate the freest and fullest access by everyone to the thinking of everyone. It must allow for the widest diversity of ideas, social structure, and forms of expression compatible with the functioning of the community. It would presumably consist of regional institutions under an international body of growing authority-combined so as to be able to deal with those problems that increasingly the separate nations will not be able to solve alone.7”
Observe the subtle admission in the passage that implies the deliberate creation of insurmountable challenges, forcing nations to embrace the New World Order (NWO) as their only salvation. It is clearly stated that separate nations will be unable to tackle these increasingly complex problems on their own. Have we not been bearing witness to this very strategy unfolding before our eyes?
Furthermore, we are presented with the notion that the NWO “must allow for the widest diversity of ideas, social structure, and forms of expression compatible with the functioning of the community.” Do not be deceived by the façade of inclusivity; this statement explicitly implies that any ideas or expressions of speech must adhere to the constraints imposed by the so-called “community.”
We are also informed that the NWO will “consist of regional institutions under an international body of growing [to the point of total control] authority.”
In addition, the NWO will incorporate functional structures to address matters that transcend regional boundaries. To truly comprehend the implications of such a structure, let us explore the inner workings and potential ramifications of this global regime:
The regional institutions, ostensibly designed to address local concerns, will in fact be subordinate to an international body wielding unchecked authority. This centralized power structure will inevitably lead to a homogenization of cultures, as the unique characteristics of individual nations are sacrificed on the altar of global unity.
Moreover, the functional structures intended to manage issues beyond regional boundaries will only serve to further consolidate power in the hands of the ruling elite. With no checks or balances to constrain their authority, these global overlords will be free to impose their will on the masses, dictating every aspect of our lives under the guise of ensuring the smooth operation of the global community.
The Structure of the New World Order
United Nations
I assume that it goes without saying that the report sees the United Nations as the top “international body of growing authority”:
“In addition to participating directly in the development of two regional groups, the United States has participated fully and from the start in the United Nations, the international organization that today holds out the reasonable hope of being able to take over more and more functions and to assume increasingly large responsibilities.”8
And further down the road the report confirms:
“The UN stands, finally, as a symbol of the world order that will one day be built.9”
Regional Arrangements
Below the United Nations we find the “Regional Arrangements”. The report has the following to say:
“The most natural multinational arrangements are frequently regional. In many parts of the world, geography combines with common history to provide the basis for common objectives and fruitful co-operative efforts.10”
“It is not possible to describe the precise form regional arrangements should take in all parts of the globe. They may involve joint efforts to achieve economic development, common markets, and free trade areas or functional arrangements like the European Coal and Steel Community. Fully developed, they imply a joint accord on monetary and exchange arrangements, a common discipline on fiscal matters, and a free movement of capital and labor.11”
In examining this paragraph, one encounters a vague and evasive description of the proposed regional arrangements, which leaves ample room for interpretation and manipulation. The lack of specificity in outlining the precise form these arrangements should take across various global regions is a cause for concern, as it opens the door to potential abuses of power.
The suggested possibilities for regional collaboration include joint initiatives for economic development, common markets, and free trade areas, or functional arrangements. While these proposals may appear benign on the surface, one must consider the potential consequences of such unchecked integration.
A fully developed regional arrangement would necessitate a unified accord on monetary and exchange mechanisms, a shared fiscal discipline, and an unfettered movement of capital and labor. This level of integration raises critical questions about the erosion of national sovereignty, as individual nations would be forced to relinquish control over key aspects of their economic and social policies.
The implications of such an arrangement are far-reaching and deeply troubling. By surrendering control to a centralized authority, nations would effectively be ceding their ability to determine their own economic futures. This loss of autonomy would inevitably lead to a homogenization of policies and practices, stifling innovation and discouraging the diversity of thought essential for true progress.
Moreover, the proposed free movement of capital and labor raises serious concerns about the potential for exploitation and the widening of economic disparities. As barriers to movement are eliminated, corporations and wealthy elites would be free to seek out the most favorable conditions for their interests, often at the expense of working people and the environment.
Doesn’t the mention of free trade agreements, joint economic development institutions, and exchange agreements should evoke a sense of déjà vu? These concepts have been promoted and implemented for decades under the guise of global cooperation and economic progress. The European Union comes to mind as a sorrowful example.
When confronted with the narrative that the BRICS Development Bank or a Chinese/Russian currency swap deal signifies a defiant attempt by nations to liberate themselves from the clutches of the New World Order, one must exercise a healthy dose of skepticism. Upon closer examination, it becomes evident that these initiatives are merely a continuation of the same strategies.
Functional Arrangements
“Regional arrangements by themselves cannot supply the entire structure of a free world economy. Some problems and opportunities cut across regional lines; others should be dealt with on a world-wide basis. Three of the most important functional challenges-the problem of primary commodity products, the new vistas of science, and the role of international financial institutions-will be discussed here.12”
The BRICS alliance, a trans-regional coalition, hailed as “alternative” by the cognitively disabled Putin fanboys, is a prime example of operational efficiency that sets the stage for a grand ideological battle.
This conflict, pitting the Anglo-American banking titans against the BRICS financial powerhouses, is the harbinger of the New World Order (NWO). In this global chess game, each move brings us closer to the inevitable clash that will redefine our economic and political landscape.
Consider the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a seemingly benign global financial institution. Yet, it is poised to take center stage in managing the new global reserve currency once the meticulously orchestrated East-West drama has reached its zenith. Is it not ironic that an organization championing global financial stability is also the architect of our impending economic reconfiguration?
With the blueprint of the New World Order unfurled before us, let's dissect the Rockefellers' machinations to ensnare America in their grand design.
In a bold and audacious attempt to redefine America's global role, Prospect for America presents a paradoxical argument that the establishment of a global government aligns with America's best interests. This proposition, however, rests on a flawed premise that the mere existence of international trade renders nation-states obsolete.
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