Dystopian Visions of a World Ruled by Global Elites
Join the Club of 'Useless Eaters' and Find Out What the Great Reset Has in Store for You!
The notion of the Great Reset originates from the concept of the New World Order, which remains prevalent in the minds of those in power, commonly known as globalists. These individuals, including figures such as Henry Kissinger and current US President Joe Biden, hold diverse opinions ranging from the establishment of a police state to the implantation of microchips in newborns for the purpose of tracking and surveillance or even depopulating the planet. Although such ideas may seem implausible, they have been in development by the globalist elite for an extensive period of time.
Yuval Noah Harari, a professor of history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and protégé of Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, is an Israeli-born intellectual who authored the popular bestseller "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind." Harari posed a troubling question: "what should be done with all these redundant people?" While Harari is undoubtedly intelligent, his thoughts have led him to a state of madness.
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Of course the illustrious Yuval Noah Harari is a high-ranking member of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Therefore he advocates for the creation of a dystopian society ruled by a handful of global elites, controlling every single human being from birth until death. According to Harari, planet earth is overpopulated, and the biggest question facing us in the coming decades is: what do we do with all these "useless people"? You know, those pesky individuals who just don't seem to add any value to society.
But worry not, for Harari has a solution! His brilliant idea is to medicate the masses with drugs and distract them with computer games. After all, who needs a purpose in life when you can just pop pills and play video games? It's already happening, folks. So let's just sit back, relax, and watch as humanity spirals into a haze of legal and illegal drug use, and endless hours of virtual reality. What could possibly go wrong?
The globalist elites have yet another brilliant plan to control the masses—they want to keep people indoors and glued to the Metaverse, a virtual reality simulation, all while getting them hooked on various drugs. It's madness, pure and simple. According to Wired, the Metaverse is a fusion of the digital and physical realms that results in a virtual reality akin to the one depicted in the Hollywood film "Ready Player One." If you're still wondering what the Metaverse actually is, look no further than the article titled "What is the Metaverse, Exactly?"
“Broadly speaking, the technologies companies refer to when they talk about “the metaverse” can include virtual reality—characterized by persistent virtual worlds that continue to exist even when you’re not playing—as well as augmented reality that combines aspects of the digital and physical worlds.”—WIRED
Hollywood has produced numerous films that explore the concept of virtual reality in the future, including classics like "The Matrix," "Total Recall," and "Inception," as well as more recent releases such as "Jumanji" and "Source Code." The globalist elites want us to know that there is a dystopian society in the pipeline, but fear not—according to Klaus Schwab, we will all be happy in our virtual reality existence.
However, in my view, the idea that humans will live their lives entirely in a virtual reality is implausible. It is an illusion that could take decades or even centuries to achieve, and it would only be possible if we allowed it to happen. While technological advancements may offer new possibilities, we should always prioritize our physical and mental well-being above a purely virtual existence.
Of course, Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the WEF, was quick to jump on the bandwagon. In his article "Now is the Time for a 'Great Reset,'" Schwab outlines three key components of the Great Reset. The first component involves "improving coordination (for example, in tax, regulatory, and fiscal policy), upgrading trade arrangements, and creating the conditions for a 'stakeholder economy.'"
So, let me get this straight—the World Economic Forum thinks they can get over 195 countries to agree on a "unified" tax, regulatory, and fiscal policy? Good luck with that! These countries all have their own unique tax systems, economies, and cultures, and they're not going to change just because several globalists want to control a unified financial system for their own benefit. It's a ridiculous idea that's dead on arrival. In fact, many countries are actually reducing taxes and regulations to attract foreign investment and boost their economies, so the WEF's recommendations are bound to fail.
A potential problem on the horizon is the looming financial crisis that may lead to the adoption of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) by the Federal Reserve Bank and the ECB. This would allow the government to track how individuals spend their money, which raises concerns about privacy and potential government control.
If someone is not politically aligned with a particular party or refuses to receive a vaccine, it's possible that the government could block their transactions. Essentially, the government could control when and how people spend their money, which is likely to be met with resistance.
An interesting analysis published by investor, political strategist, and grassroots activist Stefan Gleason on fxstreet.com asked what the next major issue would be for a Global Reset, specifically focusing on the potential impact on currency.
“As the Great Reset proceeds from globalist think tanks and technology billionaires to allied media elites, governments, schools, and Woke corporations, what will be “reset” next? The next reset will most likely take place in the financial sector, as “Supporters of the World Economic Forum’s all-encompassing Great Reset agenda are eyeing BIG changes for the global monetary system.”—Stefan Gleason
According to reports, Janet Yellen, the former Federal Reserve Chair and current Treasury Secretary under Biden's administration, has expressed her desire to put an end to the use of various cryptocurrencies. Instead, she has suggested that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) should issue CBDCs. Yellen has referred to Bitcoin as "an extremely inefficient way to conduct transactions" due to “the amount of energy consumed during processing.”
Gleason has argued that Yellen and her colleagues are planning to introduce digitized tokens for public use, but they want to ensure that these tokens are issued and controlled by governments and central banks. In other words, they intend to have complete control over the digital currency system. Gleason's analysis raises questions about the next major issue that could arise in the context of a potential global reset.
To avoid being subject to the control of the Federal Reserve Bank through a digital currency system, it is recommended to invest in safe-haven assets such as gold, silver, and other tangible forms of money. As stated by Stefan Gleason, anyone who is worried about the possibility of being forced into a new digital currency system should prioritize owning tangible assets that exist outside the financial system. Gleason argues that gold and silver are excellent options for this purpose, as their value is widely recognized and resistant to inflation, and no technology or government mandate can alter this fact.
Governments around the world are implementing large-scale spending programs, such as the European Commission's €750 billion ($826 billion) recovery fund and the US, China, and Japan's ambitious economic-stimulus plans, which present “a major opportunity for progress.”. These programs are largely aimed at supporting an expensive Green Agenda, which is a central part of Joe Biden's Build Back Better plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and shift away from traditional energy resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas.
Instead of simply patching up the old system with these funds and private investments from entities like pension funds, there is a push to use them to create a new system that is allegedly more resilient, equitable, and sustainable eventually—yet know one seems to know when “eventually” will eventually be. This includes building "green" urban infrastructure and providing incentives for industries to improve their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics.
Forbes magazine published an article last year titled ‘Why Biden’s Climate Agenda Is Falling Apart,’ which argues that the Green Agenda is an expensive and unreliable plan. The article points out that most people want high economic growth, which leads politicians to choose policies that make energy cheap, not expensive. Additionally, the article argues that weather-dependent renewables have significant limitations. For instance, if California's large wind energy project is built, it will provide less than half the energy of California's Diablo Canyon nuclear plant, which is planned for closure in 2025. Moreover, wind energy can be unreliable during heatwave-driven blackouts, as there may be little wind in California or other Western states when needed the most. Overall, the article claims that the Democrats' climate change and renewable energy agenda is falling apart due to the limitations of physics, not politics.
According to Schwab, the World Economic Forum's website describes the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' as a new paradigm that is creating novel policies and strategies in areas like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and digital assets, as well as the internet of things and autonomous vehicles. This revolution is enabling swift implementation and iteration through its rapidly expanding network of national and sub-national centers.
Regarding Covid-19 or any other declared public health emergency in the future, the new system will be able “to support the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges. During the COVID-19 crisis, companies, universities, and others have joined forces to develop diagnostics, therapeutics, and possible vaccines; establish testing centers; create mechanisms for tracing infections; and deliver telemedicine.” This is currently manifesting in the WHO’s pandemic treaty.
A group of unelected bureaucrats with the power to control a global pandemic? Sounds like something straight out of an Orwellian nightmare. And speaking of nightmares, the Great Reset reminds me of the classic sci-fi flick, Soylent Green. It's almost like reality imitating art.
It's amusing to imagine what a group of power-hungry bureaucrats with a global mandate would do to humanity, especially when considering dystopian movies like Soylent Green. The film depicts a detective (Charlton Heston) investigating the murder of a businessman in a world beset by problems such as pollution, poverty, overpopulation, and enforced euthanasia by the state. As the detective warns, "Soylent Green is made out of people! They're making our food out of people!"
While obviously fictional, the movie serves as a metaphor for how far globalists are willing to go to achieve their goals of world control and depopulation. The state in the movie even facilitated suicide to turn people into food for the remaining population. It's not so far-fetched to think that the Great Reset's goal of "owning nothing and being happy" could lead to more sinister solutions in the future. While they may not turn people into food, they are proposing outrageous solutions like eating insects to survive. It's not a joke, unfortunately.
In their never-ending quest for world domination, globalists are hoping that everyone was or will be injected with whatever they say is necessary for “public health.” They want to control every aspect of healthcare and use and control it in a way that benefits them most, although the most recent injections have caused harm and even death to thousands of people worldwide.
Globalist schemers wasted no time in implementing their vaccine mandates as soon as the Public Health Emergency was declared, but thankfully, there were governments that rejected their agenda from the get-go. Largely unnoticed, on December 3rd, 2020, Brazil's Minister of Foreign Affairs Ernesto Araujo took a firm stand against the World Economic Forum's Great Reset agenda, telling the United Nations (UN) special session on COVID-19 that "Those who despise freedom always seek to benefit from moments of crisis to preach the curtailing of freedom. Let's not fall for that trap."
“Fundamental freedoms are not an ideology. Human dignity requires freedom as much as it requires health and economic opportunities. Those who dislike freedom always try to benefit from moments of crisis to preach the curtailing of freedom. Let’s not fall for that trap. Totalitarian social control is not the remedy for any crisis. Let’s not make democracy and freedom one more victim of COVID-19.”
Resistance is Not Futile: Don't Let the Elites Control Our Future.
Globalists are determined to enforce a rules-based order on sovereign countries through the Great Reset agenda, with the US-NATO alliance leading the charge towards potential conflicts or regime changes against countries that resist giving up their sovereignty. However, there are many who are strongly opposed to this idea. For instance, on January 27th, 2021, disgraced Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at the World Economic Forum and rejected the notion of the Great Reset. Instead, he proposed a more cooperative approach.
According to him, the idea of a Great Reset or a unipolar world order is destined to fail, as it assumes a one-size-fits-all approach to complex and diverse nations. Putin believes that a prosperous future for all can only be achieved through joint efforts towards inclusive growth and creating decent standards of living for everyone, rather than just benefiting a select few.1
A rejection of the Great Reset and its associated global institutions and industries, such as the WHO, NATO, and Big Pharma, is a positive development, causing panic among globalists. Countries like Brazil, Russia, and African nations are demonstrating that the Great Reset and the concept of a New World Order are failed projects. However, some may disagree with this analysis due to pessimism about the future. They may feel that a Great Reset is inevitable, given ongoing conflicts, potential food shortages, and the looming threat of global medical tyranny.
Despite the constant propaganda advocating how the Great Reset can improve life for everyone, I firmly believe that we are witnessing the initial phases of a great awakening, rather than the implementation of a rules-based order managed by a group of globalists.
People and several governments are recognizing that a set of globalists is operating against them at every level, and they are beginning to push back. We want to avoid being ruled by a central authority dictating how to live or what to believe. The idea of the Great Reset has failed in numerous ways, but there is still a lot to be accomplished.
We must not lose hope or let a group of powerful globalists, whether they are billionaires, bankers, government officials, or special interest organizations, impose this notion of a unipolar world order on us. We can triumph.
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I am by no means a fan of Putin or do I judge whether his approach is better. This is neutral information. ↩︎
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