How Sensationalism Undermines Anti-Globalist Efforts
A More Effective Approach to Exposing Globalism and Breaking Free from the Echo Chamber
The concept of a globalist cabal, a group of financial elites conspiring to obtain total global power, is often met with skepticism and outright denial. Before one can even begin to delve into the globalist mindset, it becomes necessary to present a mountain of evidence to prove their existence, their collusion, and their boastful admissions of their plans. This task is not only time-consuming but also frustratingly redundant.
Those who eventually acknowledge the existence of this globalist cabal often dismiss their actions as merely driven by greed and profit motive. They downplay the sinister nature of these elites, reducing them to mere capitalists in a cutthroat world. This narrow perspective fails to grasp the full extent of the globalists' ambitions and the insidious methods they employ to achieve them.
There are others who accept the existence of an organized globalist cult but view them as a symptom of a larger problem. They argue that the globalists are a product of a corrupt socio-political system, rather than the cause of humanity's woes.
These individuals, often proponents of various collectivist ideologies, believe that implementing their own brand of social, political, or spiritual order is the solution. They argue that removing the globalists would simply create a power vacuum for new tyrants to fill. This perspective, however, ignores the fact that the globalists are not mere passive beneficiaries of a flawed system, but active manipulators of it.
Then there are those who view the globalists through a religious lens, seeing them as harbingers of the apocalypse. While they acknowledge the existence and evil intentions of the globalists, they believe that resistance is futile, or even morally wrong, as the globalists' rise to power is part of a divine plan. This fatalistic view not only undermines the potential for resistance but also grants the globalists a supernatural legitimacy they do not deserve.
Lastly, there are those who believe that a heavenly savior will swoop in and solve all their problems, if only they wait patiently enough. This passive and fatalistic perspective, however, is nothing short of a death sentence for society.
In essence, exploring the subject of the globalists' true nature and intentions is akin to navigating a circus of horrors. Each perspective presents its own set of challenges, from outright denial to misguided acceptance. Yet, it is crucial to engage with these differing views, to challenge and provoke the reader's preconceptions, and to present a strong, unapologetic stance on the subject matter. After all, the globalists are not mere figments of a conspiracy theorist's imagination, but a very real threat to the sovereignty and freedom of nations worldwide.
It is a challenge to convince people of the imminent economic crisis and the role played by a psychopathic, cult-like elite. It is crucial to approach this topic in a strategic manner, presenting evidence and arguments that are both compelling and accessible to those new to this information.
It is important to recognize that psychopaths are naturally drawn to positions of power, and despite some misconceptions, they are capable of working together for mutual benefit. The existence of elite conspiracies throughout history is a well-documented fact, and it is perplexing that some people are unable to entertain the possibility of such collusion occurring today.
Confronting individual psychopathy is a daunting task, given that an estimated 10 percent of the population exhibits latent psychopathic tendencies, and at least 1 percent is actively psychopathic. However, it is important to focus on disrupting and dismantling organizations that foster and elevate psychopaths, as organized psychopathy is the real and pressing problem.
The globalists cannot be dismissed as mere “greedy capitalists.” Their goal is not merely wealth accumulation, but the acquisition of power over the masses. They see themselves as modern-day Pharaohs, and their ambitions extend far beyond business pursuits. For evidence of this, one need only look at their own words, as documented in “The Five Pillars of the Elitist Parasite’s Deranged Mindset.”
Throughout history, there have been brief instances of societies free from the pervasive influence of organized elitism. These societies have demonstrated the immense potential of humanity, with increased productivity, invention, and respect for inherent conscience and justice.
Those who claim that the globalists are merely a symptom of a larger problem are likely promoting their own ideological agenda rather than offering a genuine solution. The truth is, WE have never lived in a world free from the influence of globalist conspiracy, a cancer that has transformed psychopathy into a religion. The removal of the globalists must be a top priority, as no system can succeed while they remain in power.
It is important to recognize that arguments dismissing the globalists as merely a symptom of a larger problem are not only misguided, but also potentially harmful. Such arguments can distract activists from the urgent task of dismantling the existing power structure and challenging the globalists' grip on society. Philosophical debates and theoretical society-building, while intellectually stimulating, do little to change the current reality of oppression and violence.
The argument that the Bible demands passivity in the face of despotism is equally unconvincing. The Bible is filled with stories of individuals standing up against evil, and it is difficult to take seriously any interpretation that encourages inaction in the face of tyranny. Modern “Left Behind” interpretations of the apocalypse are not persuasive, and even if they were, the timing of such a metaphysical event is unknown and unknowable.
In contrast, full-spectrum crisis and societal collapse are phenomena that have occurred repeatedly throughout history and can even be predicted based on past indicators. Current events are rife with such indicators, suggesting that a collapse is taking place in stages today.
Furthermore, there is evidence that this collapse is being engineered by groups of elites who have openly admitted their goals (as explained in “The Slow Boil: Conditioning Society for Financial and Political Terror”). It is not the apocalypse that should concern us, but rather the battle between right and wrong, justice and tyranny. The question of ultimate fate is best left to more omniscient and omnipotent beings.
The crux of the problem we face is not the system itself, but rather the presence of organized evil in the form of the globalists. Too often, those in the liberty movement propose grand new philosophies, claiming that if only we adopted their vision, the world would change for the better. However, these ideas often lack novelty, tangible action, and verifiable results, and fail to address the real issue at hand: the globalists and their pernicious influence.
It is important to recognize that evil is not merely a moral construct created by religion, but an inherent quality of human beings. As Carl Jung discovered in his studies of the collective unconscious, people are born with inherent and conflicting conceptions and traits, or “dualities,” including the duality of good and evil. This duality is not a product of environment or religious influence, but rather an inherent aspect of human nature.
Conscience, which dictates what is “good,” is also an inherent idea or “voice,” only partly influenced by environment. The existence of inherent character traits and universal moral codes is supported by both anthropological and psychological studies beyond Jung's extensive work.
Evil can be defined as those ideas and actions that are contrary to our inherent conscience. The globalists have constructed a belief system that is diametrically opposed to our moral compass. In the following analysis, I will attempt to dissect some elements of this belief system from a secular perspective.
While occultism, or “secret knowledge,” is not inherently evil, its history is marred by malevolent actions and attitudes. As John F. Kennedy warned, secret societies and their clandestine proceedings can pose a significant threat to society. Throughout history, occult groups (including religious organizations) have withheld valuable knowledge from the public in order to control and manipulate the behavior of the masses. This knowledge is not necessarily “magical” in nature, but often scientific or psychological.
For example, consider a group of elites who possess detailed knowledge of an impending economic collapse, but choose to withhold it from the public. By keeping this information secret, they gain a sense of superiority and an advantage that they can exploit to gain power over others.
In many cases, secret knowledge is hoarded by a select few in order to maintain dominance over the rest of society. Is it evil to withhold knowledge that could save lives for the sake of self-elevation? I would argue that it is absolutely evil.
The desire to maintain power and control over others is a central motivating factor for many occult groups. This selfish desire leads them to hoard knowledge and use it as a tool for manipulation and oppression.
Indeed, discussing Luciferianism in relation to the globalists can be difficult without sounding outlandish to those who are unfamiliar with the concept. However, it is important to examine the ideas behind the mythology of Lucifer, as many globalists seem to be drawn to them.
It is unclear whether globalists believe in a literal devil with horns and a pitchfork. However, many of them are attracted to the Lucifer mythology as a symbol of rebellion against the Christian God and traditional morality. In their view, inherent conscience and moral compass are seen as limitations on individual freedom, and they seek to transcend these boundaries in pursuit of their own “godhood.”
The globalists' interpretation of individualism is fundamentally different from that of liberty proponents. While liberty proponents seek to uphold individual rights and freedoms within the bounds of moral and natural law, globalists seek to rebel against these boundaries, viewing them as constraints on their power and ambition.
The Luciferian rebellion against nature and traditional morality fosters destructive tendencies that can lead to catastrophe. Moral compass serves as a guide to prevent humanity from destroying itself, and without it, civilizations fall. When globalists with Luciferian tendencies are in positions of power, innocent people suffer as they pursue their selfish desires without regard for the consequences.
That being said, it is not productive to simply label all of their actions as “satanic.” Doing so can easily be dismissed as conspiracy theory or religious fanaticism, and it does not contribute to a meaningful understanding of the issues at hand.
Instead, it is important to carefully analyze the actions and beliefs of globalists and to critique them on their merits. This requires a thorough understanding of their ideologies and motivations, as well as a clear-eyed assessment of the consequences of their actions. Ultimately, the fight against globalism is not a battle against some nebulous “evil” force, but rather a struggle against entrenched systems of power and oppression.
The ideology of “do what thou wilt” has been popularized by none other than Aleister Crowley, a self-proclaimed satanist. This philosophy has gained significant traction in globalist circles and among pop culture icons.
Crowley's apologists often argue that the quote is taken out of context and refers to the “law of love.” However, one must ask, what kind of love is this? Is it love for others or love for oneself? Is it a philosophy of doing as one pleases as long as it does not harm others, or is it a philosophy of doing as one pleases regardless of the consequences?
The globalists have clearly adopted the latter interpretation. They consistently treat the masses as if they are nothing more than vermin that need to be eradicated for the good of the planet. It is difficult to see how such individuals could conceive of love, let alone adopt a philosophy of love. Instead, “do what thou wilt” has become a justification for the globalist tendency to crush others in the name of “greatness.”
It is a common misconception that evil people are immune to the judgments of others. In fact, many of them become obsessed with gaining acceptance or even praise for their actions. It seems that if everyone else subscribes to their behavior, then it is no longer evil, but normal.
Moral relativism is the act of rationalizing destructive or evil actions by claiming that a positive end result or intention justifies the means. Globalists are not concerned with the consequences of their actions on others, but they do feel the need to justify those actions in a way that people will embrace.
The majority of globalist propaganda revolves around the concept of moral relativism, perpetuating the lie that good is merely a matter of perception, while evil is a “gray area” or an illusion. As Kevin Spacey's character in the movie The Usual Suspects puts it, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist...”
It is of utmost importance to acknowledge that the implementation of any social system or economic model is futile if we do not also address the organized evil of the globalist cabal. It is curious how many individuals go to great lengths to avoid accepting the inevitable conflict by clinging to the belief that the globalists are simply “misunderstood” or insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
While I advocate for alternative trade models through localism and alternative security models through community preparedness teams, I recognize that these efforts are merely a half measure. They serve as preparation for the unavoidable conflict between those who cherish the contents of their conscience and the globalists, who value only themselves, their cult, and their ambitions.
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"This fatalistic view not only undermines the potential for resistance but also grants the globalists a supernatural legitimacy they do not deserve."
Thank you so much for wording this! I've had so much frustration over that perspective but haven't been able to articulate what's wrong with it. To me, this is a phenomenally important point.
Wow Lily, it seems to me that you touch on the central problem of all humanity. Beyond personal questions such as “who am I really?” ", "what is the meaning of all this, of the world, of the universe, of life, of death, etc.? ? ? ? ? ", the collectivist system of world government itself sabotages the true meaning of the understanding that "the truth sets us free."
To analyze a system, you have to somehow free yourself from it and remove the formatting glasses. This requires observation and intellectual effort, but when a system governs education (and the rest), we see what that gives. It is therefore obvious that the puppet must realize that it is a puppet. I was very angry to find out, I was fooled lol.
The system holds us captive through various means, and once we see the mechanics or logic of it, the trap is discovered. It's like a great game of great battle, where the pawns (the majority) are used most of the time without their knowledge, so that the plans of the elite can be realized; a mix between Monopoly and Risk games ^^
George Orwell (Mi6 agent? ^^) said: “We do not just destroy our enemies; we change them." :-)
Ok, let's play then and "the best one wins"... but the good guy ultimately wins, right? it's "Hollywood" that says it ^^