Politics is Like Sesame Street for Assholes
A Brief, Straightforward Guide for Those Who Still Refuse to Understand That Both Political Sides are Complicit in the Greatest Crime in Contemporary Human History.
To globalists, tyranny is like a dangerous or poisonous animal. It is something to gaze upon and marvel at. They appreciate its qualities and features, but, without controlling it, they wouldn't want to get too close for fear of being attacked or bitten.
Historically, tyranny has engrossed the human mind, hypnotizing the observer with its brilliance and power, while simultaneously compelling the observer to back off and carefully put some distance between himself and the creature. Yet, the observer is enticed to creep just a little closer, to see just how close he can get to test his mettle. This dangerous practice, as we know, can end up in disaster.
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Tyranny is a clever predator indeed, one that likes to hypnotize its victims and entice them closer. It operates much like a Venus flytrap, sending out an alluring scent to attract the fly and then closing around it when it enters. It's a strategy not unlike the one humans used when they first learned to domesticate animals, setting out food inside a pen for the victim and then closing the pen once the animal comes to eat, leaving it trapped and dependent on something other than itself for survival.
But there's something even more insidious to tyranny than that. Tyranny must deceive to survive, but it also desires the participation of those who serve it. It seeks to transform the moral into the immoral, to make its victims into small versions of itself as it feeds upon the innocent who blindly follow like sheep to the slaughter.
Those who defend tyranny, arguing for its supposed benefits or necessity, are nothing more than apologists for oppression. They have bought into the lie that security can only be achieved through the sacrifice of freedom, that the ends justify the means.
This is a false dichotomy, a rhetorical trick used by tyrants to maintain their grip on power. History has shown time and time again that tyranny, no matter how brilliant or powerful it may appear, is ultimately a destructive force that leaves nothing but ruin in its wake. Those who are enticed by its allure are playing a dangerous game, one that inevitably leads to their own demise.
Hypocrisy is the lifeblood of tyranny, the very essence that allows it to thrive and maintain its stranglehold on humanity. Without the cloak of deception and the facade of good intentions, tyranny would be exposed for the malevolent force it truly is, and the masses would rise up in revolt against their oppressors.
Even the most despicable tyrants throughout history have claimed to be acting in the name of the “greater good,” a twisted justification for their heinous crimes.
But intentions alone do not absolve the tyrant of their crimes. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the means by which those intentions are pursued matter just as much as the end goal.
It is the height of hypocrisy for those in power to deny the public the right to hold them accountable through video recordings, while simultaneously using surveillance technology to spy on the masses without warrant or justification. This double standard is a hallmark of tyrannical regimes, who seek to maintain their power through the illusion of security and the suppression of dissent.
Politicians, the mouthpieces of tyranny, are masters of deception and broken promises. They campaign on platforms of change and reform, only to continue the same oppressive policies once in office.
During George W. Bush’s campaign, he promised smaller government, a humble foreign policy, and no nation-building. But once in office, he proceeded to expand the federal government to unprecedented levels, and launching wars of aggression. He used9/11 as a pretext for his imperial ambitions, exploiting the fear and anger of the American people to push through unconstitutional legislation like the Patriot Act, which stripped citizens of their civil liberties in the name of “national security.”
Then there's Barack Obama. Mr. “Hope” and Mr. “Change” was pictured as a candidate who promised to roll back the excesses of the Bush administration. During his campaign, he spoke of a foreign policy of tolerance and peace, of government transparency and accountability. But once in office, he proceeded to strengthen the same unconstitutional policies that he had once criticized, allowing human rights violations by the US military and intelligence agencies to continue unchecked.
He cracked down on whistleblowers with a vengeance, prosecuting more than all previous administrations combined, while running one of the most secretive administrations in history. And yet, despite his betrayal of the progressive values he espoused during his campaign, he was re-elected for a second term, a testament to the power of identity politics and the willingness of the left to overlook his failures in the name of partisan loyalty.
And then Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed “drainer of the Washington Swamp,” quickly revealed himself to be just another cog in the machine of corruption and cronyism. Instead of dismantling the surveillance state, he expanded its reach, granting even more power to the very agencies that erode our privacy. He filled key positions with Deep State puppets, and refused to grant amnesty to those who called them out.
But perhaps the most blatant betrayal of his populist promises was the billion-dollar tax cut he handed to BlackRock, the world's largest asset management firm. To add insult to injury, he then turned to those very same BlackRock executives for economic advice, relying on their self-serving “expertise” to guide his policies.
Let this be a reminder that the words of politicians are meaningless, and their true intentions are revealed through their actions.
The ruling class relies on the ignorance, complacency, and short memory span of the masses to maintain their power. They use propaganda and fear-mongering to convince the public that their oppressive policies are necessary for security and stability. They paint dissent as unpatriotic and label those who question their authority as enemies of the state.
This is all a carefully crafted lie, designed to keep the population in line and prevent them from rising up against their oppressors. The true enemy is not the whistleblower or the activist, the enemy is not the gays or whites, blacks or Jews, but the tyrant who seeks to divide and then crush them under the weight of his own power.
The ability of politicians to promise one thing while delivering another is a testament to the gullibility of the masses and the effectiveness of propaganda in shaping public opinion. These elected officials, who are supposed to represent the interests of the people, instead serve as puppets for the ruling class, beholden to the special interests that fund their campaigns and pull their strings behind the scenes.
They lie through their teeth, making grandiose promises of change and reform, only to continue the same oppressive policies once in office. And yet, the public continues to fall for their lies, re-electing them time and time again, as if expecting a different result from the same corrupt system.
The blatant hypocrisy of politicians is on full display the moment they take their oaths of office. With their hands on the sacred texts and their hearts full of false promises, they swear to uphold and defend the constitutions against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Yet, as soon as the cameras stop rolling and the applause dies down, they reveal their true colors as the very enemies they just vowed to defend against. These so-called “public servants” waste no time in creating laws that violate the individual rights of the people, rights that are explicitly protected by the very constitutions they swore to uphold.
But what else can we expect from a political class that is driven by an insatiable hunger for power? These constitutions, which were crafted to limit the reach of government and protect the liberties of the people, are nothing more than inconvenient obstacles to be circumvented or ignored.
Politicians, in their quest for ever-greater control over the lives of their subjects, must trample on these sacred documents and the principles they embody. They are, in essence, making a mockery of their oaths and betraying the trust of the people they claim to serve.
What we have forgotten, in our complacency and ignorance, is that constitutions are not laws that apply to the general populace. They are the supreme laws of the land, designed specifically to regulate those with the power to cause the greatest harm - the politicians themselves.
These documents are meant to serve as a check on the ambitions of the ruling class, to prevent them from becoming the very tyrants they claim to oppose. Yet, tragically, these constitutions lack any meaningful mechanisms for holding politicians accountable when they break the law.
Meanwhile, the corrupt interests that stand to benefit from a restrictive and authoritarian society are all too happy to provide incentives for politicians to betray their oaths. These puppet masters, who pull the strings from behind the scenes, use their wealth and influence to shape the actions of the ruling class, ensuring that the laws and policies enacted serve their own narrow interests at the expense of the greater good. And so, the politicians who dishonor their oaths and break the highest laws of the land do so with impunity, facing no consequences for their actions.
In contrast, those brave individuals who dare to protest against unjust prohibitions and bad laws must live in constant fear of government retribution and the wrath of the tyrants. The full weight of the state's coercive apparatus is brought to bear against these dissidents, who are branded as criminals and enemies of the state for daring to stand up for their rights. Meanwhile, the administration and the critters inhabiting the halls of Congress operate with complete impunity, secure in the knowledge that they are above the law and beyond reproach.
Hypocrisy, the lifeblood of the collectivist ideology, stands in stark contrast to the principled stance of the individualist. The tyrants in power, desperate to maintain their grip on society, seek the consent of the governed to legitimize their oppressive rule. They want the masses to willingly participate in their own enslavement, to be complicit in the erosion of their freedoms. But the path to true liberation lies in rejecting this false consent, in standing firm and unwavering in the face of tyranny.
To be truly free, one must recognize that freedom is not a zero-sum game. The individualist understands that the right to liberty is universal, and that any infringement upon the freedom of another is an attack on the freedom of all. When one person is tyrannized, we are all diminished, our own freedoms hanging by a thread. The collectivist, on the other hand, seeks to divide and conquer, to pit one group against another in a never-ending cycle of oppression and control.
The right to free speech, the very foundation of a free society, is under constant assault by the collectivist regime. But the individualist knows that the right to express oneself freely is sacrosanct, and that any attempt to curtail this right is an act of tyranny. By standing up for the free speech rights of others, even those with whom we may disagree, we strengthen the very fabric of our society and ensure that our own voices will not be silenced.
The collectivist seeks to control every aspect of our lives, from the substances we put into our bodies to the fruits of our labor. They claim the right to dictate what we can and cannot consume, to force us to submit to medical procedures against our will. But the individualist knows that our bodies are our own, and that any attempt to violate our bodily autonomy is an act of violence. By defending the right of others to make their own choices about their health and well-being, we create a bulwark against the encroaching tyranny.
The collectivist system is built on a foundation of theft and coercion, where the productive members of society are forced to subsidize the whims of the ruling class. They claim the right to confiscate the fruits of our labor, to redistribute wealth according to their own twisted vision of “fairness.” But the individualist knows that the product of our labor belongs to us alone, and that any attempt to take it by force is an act of theft. By standing up for the property rights of others, we defend our own right to keep what we have earned.
The individualist is consistent in their principles, applying the same standard of freedom to all people and all situations. The collectivist, on the other hand, is inherently hypocritical, claiming one set of rules for themselves and another for the masses. They seek to disarm the populace while arming themselves, to silence dissent while demanding the right to speak, to prohibit free enterprise while engaging in their own corrupt schemes. The individualist sees through this hypocrisy and rejects it outright.
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Thomas Sowell said it best: “The fact that so many successful politicians are such shameless liars is not only a reflection on them, it is also a reflection on us. When the people want the impossible, only liars can satisfy.”
We the People are the Heirs of the American Experiment and We are Squandering Our American Inheritance!
The title alone had me laughing!