No, you’re NOT gonna take it!
The elite is desperately trying to keep the torch of lies that justifies their whole existence burning.
Here's some math that no one was doing: The Biden scriptwriters claimed that high gasoline prices were because of Putin. But wait, Russia only supplied 4% of US oil, but prices had risen by 90% since Biden's election. So, there appears to be a slight mismatch there. But it gets worse because prices increased by 90% before we cut off Russia's oil delivery.
So, I guess the people who are telling you this, including Biden, Psaki, and all the other paid pimps and creeps on TV and online, think you're an idiot who can't even follow first-grade math or logic. They believe you can't tell the past from the present, and that you might believe 4 equals 90. That's how they really feel about you. They're simply spitting in your face. How long will you continue to take it?
You have the option to end this at any time. Everything can come to a halt. The health coercion, the fake wars, the fake news, the militant promotion of homosexuality and transsexuality that’s not helping anyone, the annihilation of sex, the annihilation of race relations, the annihilation of family, the annihilation of youth, the annihilation of health, the annihilation of food, the annihilation of common sense: it could all end tomorrow. JUST SAY NO! Stop bending over to take it. Globally, the middle and lower classes must revolt and bring these people down. Join the people who have already begun this movement. But don't limit yourself to Washington, DC or other capitals around the world. Target the major media outlets that are pushing this phony narrative on you. The resistance should be directed at military bases and intelligence centers, the NGOs, and the billionaires who are funding this hell and writing the script.
Yes, we are living in end times. But it’s their end, not ours. They are collapsing, and you must continue to push them. They're pushing you hard, but it's all a ruse, so fight back twice as hard.
Remember, they're also lying to you about a deeply divided America. They want you to believe that only half of the country opposes them. They want you to believe that the majority of Democrats support them. Furthermore, they want you to believe Biden's approval rating is still around 37%. But none of this is correct. Biden's approval rating cannot be higher than 5%. What kind of moron could approve of the past year or believe Biden is doing a good job? The truth is that NO ONE DOES. Nobody believes that things have improved in the last year. Even my die-hard Democrat friends in LA hate Joe Biden.
According to mainstream media, everyone is in favor of the war against Russia. But who exactly is everyone? TikTok jerks getting paid to pose with their flags? Government operatives on Facebook and YouTube? The creeps on The View, CNN, or some other unwatchable TV show? The members of Congress, who have a collective approval rating of around 9%? None of those people are real, just like the Antifa jerks. These people on TV and online, like all those arguing for Critical Race Theory or sex education for five-year-olds or whatever else, aren't even real. They are paid agents who have been hired to generate support for the latest fake and scare you off the streets. The people replying to their propaganda tweets on Twitter aren’t real. They are desperately trying to put a stop to this revolution, and this is how they do it: they make you believe that half of the country is against you. They make you believe that you are alone. You are not!
They give the impression that these policies have support by hiring a few DiCaprios, Whoopi Goldbergs, and Prince Harrys to publicize them, but no one outside of DC or Hollywood truly supports them. The New World Order and the Great Reset have almost no genuine supporters. Perhaps 2% support from the already wealthy, and a handful of idiots may have heard of it and decided to believe the propaganda. It is they who can be ignored, not you. All the world's militaries will not assist them if the 98% decide to move against them. The soldiers will join you after a few initial skirmishes (which you may lose). So stop being duped into believing you can't win.
You can and will win, but you must act quickly. If you wait any longer, they will have rendered you incapable of action. They are currently transforming your children into slugs incapable of revolting against an ice cream truck and coercing you beyond belief by restricting your movement, and pushing Digital IDs and CBDCs into your life that you have at no point asked them to do. But keep in mind that they and their children are even worse. What they've done to you, they've done to themselves, but in heels and dancing backwards. That is, their curse against you has reflected on them, doubling in the return, as curses always do. They are fragile right now because the more evil they become, the weaker they become. They resemble roaches that have been sprayed with Raid and are now running in circles. Step on them now while the going is good.
Another ruse is that if we bring them down, we will be unable to rule the world. It's too complicated for us. Bullshit. A typical restaurant manager could run the world better than these cretins. What are they doing right now? They have turned this planet into a literal hell for the vast majority of people and animals, and almost anything would be preferable. They poisoned us and our planet and are now demanding you to fix it—then fix it! Shut them down!
Of course, driving around shooting at things and blowing things up isn't going to get you anywhere. You, like the truckers did, must ORGANIZE. Our Constitution is not perfect, but it provides avenues for you to do all of this legally and without committing treason or sedition. The US is a country founded on revolution, so positive revolution is unlikely to be prohibited. Treason would be an attempt to destabilize our democracy and republic by repealing the Constitution and instituting another form of government, such as—oh, I don't know—corporatocracy. That is precisely what the governors are doing. That constitutes treason. We are not committing treason because we are attempting to rid ourselves of embedded tyrants who have attempted to place themselves above and beyond the law and the people. We are primarily attempting to rid the government of extra-governmental entities that are acting outside the law, such as the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg, the Aspen Institute, the Cato Institute, the Trilateral Commission, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the CFR, the Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs, and their tools in the CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, military intelligence, and the media (including Hollywood). All such organizations should be strictly prohibited, as they are simply a way for the superrich to prey on the rest of us through covert rapine, 24/7 propaganda, and gaslighting. In fact, everyone involved in those organizations (and hundreds more) should be charged with treason and punished to the full extent of the law. That includes all the deceitful actors and directors who have twisted our minds for decades.
This is why they are accusing us of treason now. They are always accusing others of doing what they are doing. They purposefully undermined the Constitution, which is treason, so they turn around and accuse their accusers of treason. It's debate 101; When the other side catches you lying, accuse them of lying as well. It's the surest sign of desperation, and these liars are especially desperate right now because they've lost control of the entire story. Their web of lies is still unraveling on them, and each new lie only adds to the misery. They've been living on a razor's edge since 2001, barely keeping their heads above water and out of the guillotine, but within the past two and a half years, they went way too far. The game was too elaborate. They were enjoying themselves too much, and no phony war with Russia will change that.
Here's something you're not hearing: the revolution has already begun. Resistance is already present and growing. No distraction they are throwing at us will stop it; rather, it will incite more rage as people realize they are being duped once again. The government is attempting to save itself, but it is only digging a deeper hole for itself. There were ways for the government to backtrack before Covid-19, but it chose to keep doubling down, and it has sealed its fate. The phony Ukraine war is an attempt to retaliate for the Covid-19 crime against humanity, but it will fail. Even as we speak, it is failing. It will only temporarily divert attention, but people are already seeing through it. Millions of people have already quit their jobs in protest, which is equivalent to a tax revolt because you can't be expected to pay income taxes if you don't have any. Millions more will stop working in the coming months.
They claim that new jobs are being created, but this is nonsense. Those are the jobs that have become available as a result of millions of people quitting, so that doesn't really count as job creation, does it? "Everyone in the country just went on strike in a tax revolt, so we just created 100 million jobs, yeah!"
Their only chance of saving their jobs is to vote in the upcoming midterm elections. They had planned to have the Republican Party ride in to save the day, but that won't be enough to put an end to the rebellion at this point. Things have deviated far from the script, which will not fool anyone. Giving Conservatives a majority in both houses, will not solve anything. The entire legislative body should be prosecuted for corruption, and new elections with stricter election laws should be held, with all election machines and computers being scrapped. Of course, the same goes for the entire executive and judicial branches. The military and Intel would have to be purged as well, but only of the opposite people it has recently been purged of. Both the military and Intel would have to be drastically reduced or redirected to more positive projects, such as apprehending all those involved in the current crime against humanity. The media would also have to be restrained, and all ties between the government and the media would have to be severed. The Federal Reserve would have to be abolished and replaced by a genuine National Bank owned by the people—not as a nod to Communism, but as a deterrent to theft. Not only that, but banking as a for-profit enterprise should be prohibited entirely. A Constitutional Convention should be called, and the Constitution should be completely rewritten and updated to address modern concerns. As it stands now, the Constitution is nothing more than a giant loophole that completely fails to limit the power of the superrich.
In other words, the only way to proceed without major violence against the superrich, in my opinion, is for the superrich to give us our due without violence. It really is that simple. They must de-Grinch and ride down the mountain with the sled of toys, or they will be thrown into the abyss. They have forgotten that laws and constitutions not only protect them from us, but they also protect us from them. They keep things from getting so bad that we have no choice but to pull them down.
You may argue that I have demonstrated that all previous revolutions were fake, so why do I believe this one is genuine or has a chance of succeeding? Because the current shambles is unlike any other. It is fundamentally different, and thus far more dangerous to the rulers.
For one thing, they are attempting outright tyranny on vast populations in the West that have been raised on freedom and democracy. That has never happened before in history. These populations are not only massive, but they also have massive resources. They not only have weapons, vehicles, and communication means, but they also have knowledge and access to all companies. We work everywhere, and it is our knowledge, not theirs, that keeps things running. They just sit around and buy things and plan fraud schemes. That has never been true in history, at least not to this degree. Previously, information was extremely limited, and most people had no idea what was going on. Because there was no middle class, skills were also limited.
Peasants, for the most part, would not consider rebelling against tyranny because they were born into it and knew nothing else. However, the new tyranny is strange and alien to us, having emerged primarily since 2001 and accelerating rapidly. It contradicts everything we were taught. Before 2001, we didn't have a real Republic, but we had a pretty good pretense of one, with the theft and graft mostly hidden. For the majority of the twentieth century, we had a prosperous middle class and an upper class that gave the appearance of restraint. But all of that has vanished, with the upper class now completely insane in a frenzy of open rapine.
Another sign that the upper class is about to collapse is that they have made many powerful enemies within their ranks. They have attempted to divide and conquer us while thoroughly ignoring their divisions. The upper class, like corporations, has been contracting. That is, while their total assets have increased, their total numbers have decreased. Rich people are being thrown out as companies merge, and many of them are furious. Companies prey on each other, and billionaires prey on each other. Fewer and fewer families and individuals own more and more. Those who were fired, on the other hand, are still multi-millionaires with contacts and power, and we are seeing them lead the rebellion. One way they do this is by disseminating information to the rest of us. That, too, has never happened before in history, at least not on this scale. Those people would not have been able to educate us as easily without the internet. This poses a significant risk to the billionaires, who are being forced to retreat further and further into their fortresses. They are mostly concerned about a coalition of these millionaires seizing an air force, at which point no fortress will suffice. Spy agencies aren't just watching you and me. They are, after all, spying on the powerful people just below them.
As a result, the present is unlike any other time in history. We're in uncharted territory, and anything can happen. It's likely to happen because the superrich appear to have gone insane. I do not fear nuclear war, but the Phoenix could very well go up in flames very soon. They may be able to limit the damage somewhat if they stage their conflagration; if they don't, the damage is nearly limitless. But, once again, don't worry: you probably already have very little to lose. They have everything to lose. The more you have, the more possessed you are, and these people are literally possessed.
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Congratulations. What an awesome and inspired piece of writing. You are so right. Our destiny lies with us and nobody else. Only we can change the current narrative and the best way forward is the example of the Canadian Truckers.
Another great article! Have you ever read anything by, or listened to Niki Raapana? Her theory of Hegelian Dialectic and NWO is very original and rings really true. Actually she researched this and communitarianism with her daughter Nordica Friedrich, and they published a book in 2012 called
2020: Our Common Destiny. I think she was on to something, especially when you look at the whole "we've never been so divided" narrative/fake reality/mental abuse on the public, which has resulted in actual polarization, unfortunately (although I agree that we are not "as divided" as the media/govt claims and yes most people I know could do a better job "leading" than our "leaders"). Sadly, Niki recently passed away in June. I recommend her interview on YouTube on the Channel, A Mind Renewed. If you haven't heard of her, that is (maybe you have). Think it is from 2008.