The Honest Speech You Won't Get from Trump or Harris
How Elections Fail to Restore Our Freedoms and Why It Doesn't Really Matter Who Becomes the Next President
The upcoming 2024 presidential election is nothing more than an orchestrated illusion, a facade that perpetuates the status quo and further entrenches the descent into a police state.
The rhetoric of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, two sides of the same coin, is nothing but a hollow promise of change and reform, designed to appease the masses while preserving the interests of their corporate benefactors and union backers.
The notion that the next occupant of the White House will significantly impact the daily lives of ordinary Americans is a blatant lie. The real power brokers are the faceless, unelected bureaucrats who have turned governance into a lucrative industry, making decisions that shape our lives without any semblance of accountability.
The presidency has become a mere figurehead, a puppet controlled by the strings of special interest groups and corporate donors. Donald Trump's VP pick, J.D. Vance, is the protégé of Peter Thiel, a figure so deeply entrenched in the CIA's inner sanctum that it becomes a perverse indulgence.
In this charade of democracy, the voices of the people are drowned out by the din of money and influence. The two leading candidates will continue to pay lip service to their preferred ideals of liberty and justice, all while serving the interests of their wealthy patrons. It's time to confront the uncomfortable realities of life in the American police state, where the erosion of civil liberties is a bipartisan effort, and the only winners are the power elite.
The political system has been hijacked by a cabal of elites who have no qualms about sacrificing the well-being of the masses for their own personal gain. The illusion of choice is nothing more than a smokescreen, designed to maintain the illusion of a functioning democracy. In reality, the American people are mere pawns in a game of power and control, where the rules are rigged in favor of the privileged few.
The 2024 election is not about choosing the lesser of two evils, but about challenging the very foundations of a system that has betrayed the principles upon which this nation was built. It's time to demand real change, not the empty promises of politicians who serve the interests of the elite.
The government is not our friend. Nor does it work for “we the people.” Our so-called government representatives do not actually represent us, the citizenry. We are now ruled by an oligarchic elite of governmental and corporate interests whose main interest is in perpetuating power and control.
By gradually whittling away at our freedoms—free speech, assembly, due process, privacy, etc.—the government has, in effect, liberated itself from its contractual agreement to respect our constitutional rights while resetting the calendar back to a time when we had no Bill of Rights to protect us from the long arm of the government. This systematic erosion of our civil liberties is a bipartisan effort, a concerted attack on the foundations of our republic.
Republicans and Democrats like to act as if there's a huge difference between them and their policies. However, they are not sworn enemies so much as they are partners in crime, united in a common goal, which is to maintain the status quo. Once elected president, that person becomes part of the dictatorial continuum that is the American imperial presidency today.
The U.S. government has become a bastion of bureaucratic bloat and corporate cronyism, shamelessly squandering the people's hard-earned wealth on foreign adventures and pet projects, all while our own infrastructure crumbles and our borders remain porous.
This is a calculated ploy by the entrenched elite to maintain their stranglehold on power. They care not for the well-being of the common citizen, for their allegiance lies with the deep-pocketed corporate overlords who pull the strings in Washington.
Forty years on from Orwell's dystopian vision, we find ourselves in the throes of a technotyranny, a surveillance state that makes Big Brother look like a quaint relic of the past. This fourth branch of government, unelected and unaccountable, wields powers beyond the reach of the very institutions meant to check its excesses. It marches in lockstep with the corporate elite.
When the exposure of wrongdoing is treated as a crime, we know we are being ruled by criminals. The government's list of “enemies of the state” grows by the day, as it wages war on any who dare challenge its authority. This is not the hallmark of a free society, but the desperate thrashings of a regime clinging to power, fearful of losing its grip on the levers of control.
If voting truly made a difference, they would never allow us to do it. The American people may believe they are choosing the next president, but in reality, they are merely engaging in the illusion of participation, a reassurance ritual that keeps the populace compliant and convinced that their vote holds sway over the political process.
More dangerous than any external threat, the U.S. government has become the greatest menace to the life, liberty, and property of its own citizens. While it claims to protect us from terrorism, domestic extremism, and organized crime, the government's own actions pose a far graver danger to the very freedoms it purports to safeguard.
The government has mastered the art of manipulation, expertly wielding the politics of fear to persuade a freedom-loving people to shackle themselves to the chains of a burgeoning dictatorship. This draconian exercise in division, conquest, and subjugation is succeeding, as the populace is lulled into a false sense of security, oblivious to the true nature of the forces that control their lives.
The government has long since sold us out to the highest bidder, and that bidder has always been the Deep State – the unelected bureaucrats, corporations, contractors, and paper-pushers who operate beyond the reach of the Constitution, wielding power without any real accountability to the citizenry. This shadow government is the true reason why “we the people” have no control over our own government.
In this dystopian landscape, every U.S. citizen is now presumed guilty until proven innocent, stripped of the very protections that were once the hallmark of a free society. The rule of law, once the bulwark against tyranny, has been eroded, leaving the people vulnerable to the whims of a government that has long since abandoned its duty to serve the people.
“We the people” are no longer shielded by the rule of law. While the First Amendment, which gives us a voice, is being muzzled, the Fourth Amendment, which protects us from government overreach, is being systematically dismantled. The foundations of our freedoms are crumbling before our eyes.
Privacy, as we have known it, is dead. Every second of every day, the American people are being spied on by the U.S. government's vast network of digital Peeping Toms, electronic eavesdroppers, and robotic snoops. Government eyes are watching your every move: what you read, where you go, with whom you interact, even the contents of your own home.
Your life is an open book, meticulously recorded, stored, and ready to be used against you at the government's discretion. Beware of what you say, what you read, where you go, for it will all be cataloged and weaponized.
Private property means nothing in the face of a government that can seize your home, your car, your money, under the flimsiest of pretexts. SWAT teams and government agents can invade your domain, break down your doors, kill your pets, and terrorize your family, all in the name of “security.”
The American taxpayer is the perpetual victim of government schemes to swindle, cheat, and defraud. From wasteful pork barrel legislation to cronyism and graft, the government's appetite for our hard-earned dollars is insatiable. We are made to foot the bill for endless wars, a bloated military-industrial complex, and a welfare state that enriches the corporate elite at the expense of the common citizen.
The government's grip on our lives extends even to our children, who are now wards of the state from birth to adulthood. Parents no longer have the final say over what their kids are taught, how they are disciplined, or what medical care they receive.
All it takes to be labeled an enemy of the state and locked up like a dangerous criminal is to use certain trigger words, surf the internet, or simply live in the United States. The government's ever-expanding definition of “suspicious” behavior knows no bounds.
We are hurtling towards a constitutional crisis, as our freedoms, especially the Fourth Amendment, are choked out by a government that believes it has the right to search, seize, and violate our bodies and our privacy at will. Forced cavity searches, forced blood draws, forced DNA extractions – these are the hallmarks of a tyranny, not a free society.
No matter which candidate wins this election, the truth remains: there can be no police state, no tyranny, no routine violations of our rights without our own complicity and collusion.
We, the people, are the government. Our sheer numbers, our muscle, our economy, our very presence in this land – these are the foundations upon which our liberty rests. It is time for us to reclaim what is rightfully ours, before the last vestiges of freedom are extinguished.
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Sadly true in all Western “democracies”. We can vote Frying Pan or Fire when what we really need to do is douse the flames of the massive bonfire of our liberties and build our own widely distributed fire pits.
This is the clearest article I've read about the power elite and the shadow government. After literally 2 years of research, once my eyes were fully open, the illusions that we live under were depressing. People think they see the truth by seeing through the other party. But they are blind to the men behind the curtain. The ones who pull the strings of the political parties who control the government. The elite have been winning the class war for 250 years. Yet most people don't even realize a class war between the power elite and We the People exists. I'm afraid that if we don't unite behind a realistic solution that will inoculate the government from the power elite and all of their institutions, including the political parties, it will be too late.