The Invasion of the West
How Migrants Are Being Used to Destroy Western Civilization and Justify Authoritarianism
The audacity of our government's deliberate facilitation of illegal immigration across the southern border is a slap in the face to the very notion of national sovereignty. It's a calculated move, in lockstep with similar developments in Europe, designed to undermine our society, and it's imperative we confront the sinister motivations behind this agenda.
The questions we must demand answers to are: What is the ultimate goal of this orchestrated chaos, and how can we put an end to this subversive assault on our borders?
The Biden Administration's interference in Texas's efforts to erect border fencing and barbed wire is a damning indictment of their supposed commitment to border security. It's a move that reeks of hypocrisy, especially in light of the alarming presence of convicted criminals and terrorists among migrant groups. The fact that these measures were proving effective only serves to further expose the administration's true intentions. The interests of the ruling elite are (and have always been) fundamentally contrary with those of the American people.
The Supreme Court's complicity in this charade, siding with the Biden Administration against Texas's rightful attempts to protect its citizens, which is hardly surprising given the systemic rot that pervades our institutions.
Governor Greg Abbott's declaration of the situation as an invasion threatening the security of his state and the nation is a long-overdue acknowledgment of the existential crisis we face. The impending showdown between federal agencies and Texas is not only necessary but also a call to action for those who still cherish the notion of national identity and self-determination.
Throughout history, the expulsion of unwanted or destructive groups has been a necessary measure to ensure the survival of civilizations. The failure to protect one's borders has consistently led to the erosion of cultural heritage and the eventual absorption into a foreign entity that may not share the same values and principles.
It's a reality that the majority of nations on the planet have long acknowledged, yet America and the EU remain the only regions subjected to relentless criticism for daring to assert control over their borders. This laughable double standard is due to the insidious forces driving this agenda, and it's high time we called out the hypocrisy for what it is.
The relentless drumbeat of open borders propaganda emanating from the corporate media and Hollywood's echo chambers is a calculated component of a broader establishment agenda that has been insidiously unfolding in the US for years. Since 2021, this agenda has accelerated with reckless abandon, culminating in the Biden Administration's catastrophic oversight of the largest spike in illegal migration in US history.
The staggering figure of over 300,000 border violations in last year’s December alone illustrates the administration's deliberate dereliction of duty. To put this into perspective, it's equivalent to a city the size of Pittsburgh descending upon the US border every month, demanding a cornucopia of welfare, subsidies, housing, jobs, and free food – being cocksure that they will receive all of that while killing our people and raping our women.
The establishment is well aware that this unsustainable trajectory is a ticking time bomb, yet they've chosen to obfuscate the crisis from the American people, peddling the ludicrous narrative that the border is more secure than ever. Any dissenting voices are promptly tarred with the brush of racism, white supremacy, and conspiracy theory – a cynical and effective ploy to silence opposition and maintain the status quo. The sheer audacity of this deception is a slap in the face to the very notion of democratic accountability.
The border states, fed up with denialism, have taken matters into their own hands, busing thousands of migrants into blue “sanctuary cities” like New York, Washington DC, and Chicago. The result has been a humanitarian and economic catastrophe, with even progressive voters in these areas seething with anger as their neighborhoods are overrun and destroyed by the migrant influx.
The once-hallowed institutions of education are being ravaged, with schools in New York being shuttered to accommodate migrant housing. Homeless shelters in DC are bursting at the seams, with migrants arrogantly begging for handouts, while the citizen homeless are left to scrounge for scraps. The Chicago O'Hare Airport has been transformed into a migrant shelter, with the city desperately trying to conceal the chaos from prying media eyes.
Democrat mayors, once champions of open borders and sanctuary cities, now decry the migrant crisis as a national emergency. It's a stunning display of hypocrisy, as they conveniently shift the blame onto Republican governors rather than acknowledging the catastrophic consequences of their own misguided policies. Their playbook is predictable: never admit fault, even when faced with the ruinous outcomes of their ideology. It's a stubborn, childish, and idiotic refusal to confront reality, driven by a dogmatic commitment to their warped ideals.
But the farce of low-level progressive politicians defending sanctuary status is merely a sideshow to the more sinister forces at play. The establishment elite and the Biden Administration have been deliberately deceiving the public, downplaying the clear and present danger posed by the migrant crisis.
The question is, why? Why do they insist on undermining the sovereignty of Western nations, particularly the United States and Western Europe? The answer lies in the self-serving interests of those who wield power. Certain groups within the power structure reap significant benefits from the continued influx of migrants, and they will stop at nothing to maintain this status quo.
The Cloward-Piven Strategy, often cited as a simplistic explanation for the migrant crisis, barely scratches the surface of the true machinations at play. While it's true that social destabilization can be achieved through the deliberate influx of migrants, this strategy is merely a symptom of a larger, more insidious agenda. The real question is, how does this crisis pave the way for authoritarianism in the US? Let's dig deeper into the scenarios that could unfold, and expose the true motivations behind this engineered crisis.
Operation Garden Plot, a civil disturbance plan concocted by the US Department of Defense in 1968, is a blueprint for martial law in the event of large-scale social unrest. One of the primary triggers for this draconian response? The uncontrolled influx of minorities into the US, coupled with riots sparked by economic uncertainty. It's a recipe for disaster, carefully crafted to justify the imposition of a permanent domestic military presence, stripping Americans of their constitutional protections.
The Garden Plot provisions are eerily reminiscent of programs like REX 84, which envisioned the establishment of the notorious “FEMA camps” or detention facilities to warehouse refugees during a mass migration crisis. These clandestine operations were only exposed by accident during the Iran/Contra hearings of 1987, and even then, they were kept hidden from the majority of Congress. Political elites have therefore been secretly plotting to impose martial law under the guise of crisis management for decades.
But the question remains: were these measures designed to mitigate the crisis, or to exploit it as a pretext for establishing a permanent military presence in the US? The latter seems far more plausible, given the establishment's track record of exploiting chaos to consolidate power.
It's a disturbing possibility: that the borders are being deliberately left open, allowing illegals to overwhelm the system, until the public is sufficiently cowed into accepting martial law (and AI-powered surveillance grids - an idea happily entertained by Trump and his friends) as the only solution. The very thought sends shivers down the spine, and yet, it's a scenario that's all too plausible in today's political landscape.
The Democrats' latest legislative endeavors, including the 2022 bill, reveal a disturbing trend: the deliberate creation of an illegal immigrant military. The supposed rationale for this policy is the alleged shortfall in military recruitment, a crisis conveniently manufactured by the very same politicians who have infected the armed forces with woke cultism. It's a clever tactic to justify the exploitation of illegal immigrants as cannon fodder, all while undermining the integrity of the US military.
I've long argued that the open borders policy is a deliberate attempt to create a migrant army, a force that can be leveraged to impose martial law on the American people in the event of an (engineered) national disaster. The promise of easy citizenship in exchange for military service is a Faustian bargain, one that will ultimately lead to the subjugation of the very people these immigrants are supposed to protect. This aims at creating a loyalist force, beholden only to the establishment elite, and willing to do their bidding without hesitation.
The current military, comprising around 70% conservatives and independents, poses a significant obstacle to the elites' plans for martial law. It's unlikely that these patriotic servicemen and women would blindly follow orders to suppress their fellow Americans, especially under the auspices of a deeply unpopular president like Joe Biden.
No, the elites need a more pliable force, one that can be molded to their will without regard for American culture or the American people. And what better way to achieve this than by creating a migrant army, beholden only to the establishment and willing to do its bidding?
The notion that “Replacement Theory” is a racist conspiracy theory perpetuated by power-hungry white people is a laughable myth peddled by the media to distract from the real issue at hand. If white people were indeed a monolithic entity with absolute power, wouldn't they simply exercise that power to maintain their grip on society? The fact that they don't is a testament to the fallacy of this argument.
The left's fetishization of mass migration as a means of “decolonization” is a disgusting attempt to dismantle Western culture and replace it with a more pliable, socialist alternative. The goal is not to replace white people per se, but to supplant the values of individual freedom and independence that have defined Western civilization for centuries. By flooding the gates with individuals from more collectivist societies, the establishment can effectively dilute the cultural heritage of the West and pave the way for a more authoritarian, socialist regime.
The constant rallying of “democracy” and “defense of democracy” from the likes of Biden, von der Leyen and their cohorts is a deliberate attempt to conflate the concept of democracy with the tyranny of the majority. They seek to reduce democracy to a mere popularity contest, where the whims of the masses are elevated above individual rights and freedoms. This is nothing short of a recipe for authoritarianism, where the “greater good” is invoked to justify the erosion of personal liberties and the concentration of power in the hands of the state.
The orchestrated influx of migrants is an assault on the foundations of Western civilization. The borders must be secured, and the illegals must be deported with all due haste. No half-measures, no amnesty, no asylum, no welfare, and no subsidies. The only solution is to remove them and send them back to their countries of origin, with severe punishment awaiting those who dare to return illegally.
It's become painfully clear that the federal government has abdicated its responsibility to protect the nation's borders, leaving it to the states to take matters into their own hands. Southern states like Texas must take the lead in enforcing their own border security, but they cannot do it alone. The American people must rise up and support these efforts, creating a groundswell of resistance that the federal government dare not ignore.
The path to securing our borders will require experimentation and adaptation, but the basic blueprint is clear: deputize citizens to monitor the border, catch illegal crossers, and defend against federal sabotage of border walls and fences.
Some will cry foul, claiming that this constitutes defiance of federal authority. To that, I say, guilty as charged. The Biden Administration's dereliction of duty has left the nation vulnerable to foreign invasion, and it's high time someone takes responsibility.
If we allow this unchecked migration to continue, we'll be setting the stage for a series of manufactured emergencies that will be exploited by elites to strip us of our remaining constitutional protections.
This ongoing disaster must be stopped in its tracks - not only in the US but in Europe as well. The time for action is now.
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Great piece putting this all together. The research that supports your conclusion is impressive. An education in every packet.
The possible closure of borders might lead to restricted freedom of movement, which could be enforced following the potential loss of cultural civilization.