The WEF - A Marketplace for Ideas that You have no Say in
The WEF claims to be nothing more than a marketplace for ideas. Have you ever been asked to contribute yours?
Earlier this month, in response to the growing unpopularity of WEF-affiliated politicians in Canada, WEF Managing Director and globalist mouthpiece Adrian Monck saw the need to go on CBC and dismiss all criticism of the WEF as anti-Semitically motivated conspiracy theories in a very whiny ‘We are the good guys—really”-interview.
This is, and there’s no other way to put it, the ‘dregs’ of a serious approach to criticism and a less than reflective way of facing it. To put critics of one's own cause in one corner with Nazis and Holocaust deniers is so far down the filthy drain that even Adrian should feel smirched. One can imagine, that being Jewish myself, I have some major issues with his ramblings.
If your only weapon is to discredit people who no one really takes seriously anyway because they babble about lizard people and underground tunnel systems with kidnapped children, and do your best to consistently tune out everyone else, you continue to disqualify yourself from being taken seriously or being worthy of any grown-up discussion.
Of course, I do not deny that there are people who falsely associate the WEF with a world conspiracy of Judaism and invent harebrained bullshit to make Klaus Schwab a descendant of the Rothschilds, just so that their ideas, which are very incompetently presented, fit together. I have to deal with these people here as well, and it’s not helping anyone.
Ironically, this is what the WEF itself does in a multitude of less than plausible articles that consistently fail to withstand deductive logic. Presumably this is why it confines itself to outlawing the delusions of the intellectually deficient rather than engaging in serious, non-polemical discourse with those who have concerns about the role of the WEF and other NGOs.
So, it is no surprise that Mr. Monck utilizes an email of a woman obviously not playing in the cognitive upper echelon to prove that everyone is an invariably lunatic who dares to criticize the wonderful philanthropic plans of the altruistic WEF, but consistently refuses to address serious questions and concerns.
Monck further states correctly that the WEF is not hypnotizing world leaders to get them to carry out their agendas. Thank God, someone is finally telling us this! We would never have guessed that Macron, Biden and Truss weren't sitting in a room listening to hypnosis tapes of Klaus Schwab explaining some evil Bond villain plan.
I think the point is clear: no one who seriously studies the subject believes this. But it is a wonderful, very effective way of portraying a whole range of critics in public opinion as lunatics. One could almost congratulate Mr. Monck for such an ingenious move, were it not for the fact that apparently no one cares what he has to say.
Apart from that, the question remains why the entire Western world marches in lockstep and unison to ideas and policy suggestions of the WEF. Perhaps it is simply because the WEF is a forum where ideas are exchanged? After all, Monck explicitly emphasizes this, and of course, this is correct. No one in their right mind would suspect anything else behind Davos. Nor do I. In fact, no one I know who deals out informed criticism does.
But here's the problem with the forum of ideas: The ideas and proposals being exchanged are consistently, and I apologize for the word, crap. And you can guess how diverse the pool of these ideas is when you consider how many of the participants were "trained" as Young Global Leaders (YGL) by the WEF itself.
However, the very best thing about this "exchange of ideas" is that you have no say in it. Has anyone ever asked you what you think of these ideas? Did they invite you to Davos, so you could present the issues of your home community or raise your concerns about carbon credit or the use of vaccine passes to limit your movement? I don't think so. But of course, the WEF is very transparent. After all, you can watch everything that is being discussed there online—at least the panel discussions. Real transparency, of course, would be being able to listen 24/7 to every conversation in every room at the WEF, by every member, in real time, even in "private" — but what kind of crazy idea is this? Such Orwellian surveillance measures are meant for you. Not for them.
Let’s take a look at some of these astonishing ideas that were exchanged in the past years and that you have no say in.
I actually wish I changed this to make it sound more exciting and to substantiate my dangerous conspiracy theories, but that is precisely how the WEF describes it. As with all articles that prove incredibly unpopular, it somehow vanished in typical WEF fashion (archive). But the tweet is still there and as you can tell by the replies the idea was incredibly popular. Nowadays, of course, you can no longer reply to the WEF’s tweets. However, that’s just another level of “transparency” and “exchange” that I don’t understand, I assume.
The technology is presented as a potential therapy for dementias like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. However, "it can cure you, it can get you addicted, and it can kill you," as the article puts it. Moreover, it can be used for total remote mind control.
“I can see the day coming where a scientist will be able to control what a person sees in their mind’s eye, by sending the right waves to the right place in their brain. My guess is that most objections will be similar to those we hear today about subliminal messages in advertisements, only much more vehement.
This technology is not without its risks of misuse. It could be a revolutionary healthcare technology for the sick, or a perfect controlling tool with which the ruthless control the weak. This time, though, the control would be literal.”
Organizations such as… the European Union should probably regulate it to prevent misuse. But the WEF itself would probably be even more convenient because some companies developing this technology are WEF members. You don't have to be a genius to figure out where this is going.
Another dangerous conspiracy theory was talked about in this video from the annual WEF meeting in 2018 in which everybody’s darling Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, ecstatically talks about pills that will contain microchips.
Bourla says:
“FDA approved the first ‘electronic pill’, if I can call it like that. It is basically a biological chip that is in the tablet and, once you take the tablet, and it dissolves into your stomach, it sends a signal that you took the tablet. So imagine the applications of that, the compliance. The insurance companies would know that the medicines that patients should take, they do take them. It is fascinating what happens in this field.”
This type of technology might readily open the door to a wide variety of malicious uses. Since then, Covid-19 has granted Pfizer a level of influence over people’s life that was never seen for a pharmaceutical corporation. This is not ‘fascinating’; it is alarming.
While we are at it, one of my favorite things the WEF has ever shilled are lockdowns. You know, the coerced ’Stay at home to save your grandma’ thing that helped people with depression to kill themselves, that caused job losses, suicides, drug overdoses, alcohol abuse, domestic abuse, bankruptcies, and homelessness? The WEF saw an unprecedented opportunity. After all, small businesses failed and big corporations strived.
Apparently, the WEF so enthusiastically peed itself in excitement that they had to make a video about it called “Lockdowns are quietly improving cities around the world”.
The Forum disregarded the terrible human misery caused by these lockdowns because "carbon emissions were down 7% in 2020."
The little hit piece adds, "Lockdowns significantly reduced human activity … leading to Earth’s quietest period in decades," while displaying dismal pictures of deserted cities and grounded aircraft.
When this was initially posted, it was met with strong opposition. The WEF then deleted the video and tweeted the following message.
But make no mistake, the WEF did not learn from this. They did not take the people’s voice into account to better their approach and take actions that would actually benefit society. No, they kept praising lockdowns because the WEF loves the idea of this kind of life becoming permanent.
The WEF does not care what you think at all. Their tweets were met with massive opposition; they disabled the replies. Their videos all have more dislikes than likes, but not to worry; you can no longer see the dislikes anyway. They don’t even need your positive feedback because they are not working for you. They are not working on ‘improving the state of the world’ for you. They improve the state of the world for the globalist elite that want you to live like they showcased in another video:
The video is littered with masked people and QR-codes, and at one point it proudly states that one will be able to identify you by your heart beat. Now ain’t that exciting?
As if that weren't enough, the video depicts children being educated through computer screens and concludes with an image of individuals wearing masks outside, as if they were insane.
Did you know that for a conspiracy theory, the Great Reset has quite a vast array of marketing material? Take this wildly popular video for example:
By the time of writing this, it has 10k upvotes compared to 84k downvotes and comments are turnt off. Luckily, they weren’t always turnt off, so we can see how thrilled people are by the WEF’s proposal and how important their opinions are to the WEF so that they immediately abandoned the idea of a Great Re- … oh, right, they did not.
Of course, the WEF can’t do without poking at these ridiculous, democracy undermining conspiracy theorists!
While capitalism is based on a system of supply and demand that regulates itself, the Great Reset seeks to redefine how firms are judged using new criteria. Compliance with the social and political agendas of the elite (ESG). So, it is not surprising that the video cleverly announces “The End of Capitalism”. Why is it clever? Because we have a whole generation of degenerated and scared young people who live by the belief that capitalism robs them off their chances in life and keeps them from ever making a decent living or owning property.
At the conclusion, the narrator utters this cryptic sentence:
“And that’s all about getting the right people in the right place at the right time”.
Aha, thought the WEF is just about exchanging ideas.
The video doesn't completely clarify what this implies in real-world settings, but its implications are rather unsettling. Instead of allowing successful individuals and companies to expand naturally, the elite's system would intervene to "get the right people in the right place". In other words, in the new economy, the system would be openly and socially acceptedly rigged and cooperation with a broader goal would be necessary.
At the end of the video, the WEF graciously asks you to “get involved”. Of course, they are not inviting you to Davos so you can tell them to shut up, that would be ridiculous. No, they want you to get involved within a carefully crafted framework. And the WEF has just the right idea to get you there as well.
Numerous politicians these days seem to only love the idea of freedom of speech, for as long it is in their favor. Curiously, most of these politicians seem to be either trained as YGLs or are at least regular guests in Davos. They vehemently demand that the internet be controlled and strictly monitored due to their extreme dislike for it. Julie Inman Grant, the Australian "eSafety commissioner," declared at the Davos meeting in 2022 that we require a "recalibration of free speech."
“We are finding ourselves in a place where we have increasing polarization everywhere and everything feels binary when it doesn’t need to be. So, I think we’re going to have to think about a recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online. You know, from freedom of speech to the freedom to be free from online violence.”
Grant essentially argues pro censorship in this passage. She argues that the human right to freedom of expression should be "recalibrated" using "cyber violence" as an excuse. There is no concept of "cyber violence" or any real world threat it poses. They enjoy associating communication with violence. It is a highly deceptive justification for censorship in the style of China, and the WEF promptly released another incredible popular opinion piece (that was unfortunately misinterpreted by these pesky conspiracy theorists) that calls for online censorship with the help of artificial intelligence. C O N S P I R A C Y!
The wonderful world of fashion… Why not use something you have to use every day to track you? This fantastic proposal yet again uses the environment as an excuse to sell you ‘smart’ products with microchip that make absolutely no sense at all to be ‘smart’ in any way. Nonetheless, the WEF announced the impending arrival of garments embedded with "digital passports" that can be tracked at all times.
These RFID chips will enable clothing brands to resell their clothes, the WEF proudly claims, hinting at sustainability and the admittedly giant carbon footprint of the fashion industry. If you can explain how RFID chips and QR-codes help fashion brands to resell their clothes, please go ahead and explain, I am not globalist enough to understand.
It is not the first time the WEF talks about tracking us. In fact, they love the whole thing so much, they want you to wear your individual carbon tracker. Ain’t that amazing? They will know where you are, while you know that you are not allowed to buy new jeans because you have already exceeded your monthly carbon allowance. Again, climate change is being used as an excuse for absolutely every dystopian trash idea the WEF throws at you.
In light of the foregoing, how can we combat the WEF's insanity? How could we vote them out if we never voted them in? The initial step would be to elect, at all levels of government, representatives who oppose the WEF (given that there still is election integrity). If our elected leaders treated the WEF as the rogue, illegitimate organization that it is, the WEF's power would be substantially diminished.
Second, we can boycott every WEF-affiliated company. I realize this is easier said than done due to the monopolistic nature of many of these businesses. However, if we stop giving them money, they will stop poisoning our life with it.
One could say that Adrian is right: The WEF is a forum for ideas. Not your ideas, but ideas. It generates visions for the future, writes reports and publicizes them. They are free to read online, although we all know that hardly any people will ever look into them. There is one major issue with all of this: An institution like the WEF that is doing its best to limit interaction with the public does not work for the public or the betterment of the people’s lives or future. They follow other people’s goals and agendas. If the WEF would throw its ideas out into the world to see what the response is, and then adjust them accordingly, I could still live with the whole circus. But they don't.
People becoming outraged and uncalled-for is a very understandable reaction. Instead of defaming these people, the WEF should probably start thinking about how it wants to be remembered. Because currently, they will go down in history as the most inhumane, inglorious institution humanity has ever seen… and a CBC interview of the WEF praising the WEF and slandering critics can't change that fact. It just shows how high up the ivory tower these people reside. But, guess what, towers can be made to fall from below. When they will own nothing, we will be happy.
It's the obvious difference between advertising and propaganda. If someone is selling a product we don't like, we don't buy it.
If we are being made to like something, that we are not allowed to opt out of, it's propaganda.
Their website claims they are 'neutral' as an organisation. But then immediately states that its members include the largest 1000 corporations on earth, and their pet politicians.
Totally neutral. Obviously.
Love your writing!