Welcome to the Grand Tour of the Washington Swamp!
Part 1: Setting the Stage - Exposing Centuries of Deception, Corruption, Infiltration, and Manipulation.
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed passengers, and honored guests, this is your skipper speaking. As we set sail on this intellectual voyage, I'd like to take a moment to outline the fascinating itinerary ahead.
We'll be exploring the historical roots of power consolidation, and witness the East India Trading Company dismissing the notion of “freedom” with disdain. We'll also examine how England was, quite literally, robbed blind, and how the original US constitution was effectively put into a coma, paving the way for the transformation of the United States into a corporation under the rule of the inbred British monarchy. You might also be surprised to learn why the US has, shall we say, "misplaced" an amendment. Maybe you will find it somwhere in the swamp we’re exploring today.
Furthermore, we'll be attending a unique session of the Nuremberg Trials, where we'll uncover the shocking reasons behind the subpar standards of our American food and water. And, if you're ready for more, we'll be investigating the role of certain three-letter organizations in solidifying power centralization during the modern era.
So, sit back, relax, and get ready for a journey that will challenge your perspectives and broaden your understanding of the world. And remember, on this ship, we value knowledge, critical thinking, and, of course, a healthy dose of skepticism. Fair winds and following seas!
The concept of a “nation-state” is nothing more than a convenient fiction, a comforting illusion that blinds us to the harsh realities of power and control in the modern world. In truth, we are all mere subjects of the omnipotent corporations that dominate every aspect of our lives, from the food we eat to the air we breathe.
We like to think of ourselves as independent and self-reliant, free to make our own choices and pursue our own dreams. But in reality, we are shackled by the economic chains that bind us to our corporate overlords, forced to work long hours for meager wages that leave us little time or energy for anything else.
The so-called “president” of our country is nothing more than a glorified CEO, a figurehead who serves only to legitimize the rule of the corporations that truly hold power.
And lest we forget, the Federal United States is as “federal” as Federal Express, a mere label slapped on a vast and sprawling empire that knows no bounds. The birth certificates of US citizens are traded like stocks on the New York Stock Exchange, a reminder of the true value of human life in this brave new world.
We laugh at these truths, dismissing them as mere conspiracy theories or the ravings of madmen. But the sad fact is that we have been lulled into complacency by the comforting myths of nation-state and racial identity, blinded to the harsh realities of power and control that govern our lives.
This is a very long exploration into the shadowy depths of our history, so I have split it into two parts.
Part 1: How the Chessboard Was Set Up
The world we inhabit today is fraught with chaos and turmoil, but it's essential to recognize that this state of affairs is not the result of a haphazard series of events. Instead, it is the culmination of a meticulously orchestrated plan, spanning centuries, designed to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a select few.
This select group, often hidden in plain sight, has been the driving force behind the manipulation of history for their benefit. To fully grasp the magnitude of this conspiracy, one must delve into the annals of history and examine the formation of powerful entities that have shaped the course of human events.
One such entity is the Committee of 300, an organization whose existence and influence are often dismissed as conspiracy theories. However, a closer examination reveals a group with deep roots in the global power structure, whose members have held influential positions in finance, politics, and industry. The Committee of 300 is but one example of the interconnected web of power that has been orchestrating global events to further their own interests.
Another influential group is the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, a Roman Catholic order with a long history of involvement in education, politics, and missionary work. While the Jesuits often present themselves as a force for good, their influence and power should not be underestimated. Critics argue that the Jesuits have used their position to manipulate and control events on a global scale, furthering their own agenda at the expense of individual freedoms and national sovereignty.
The 13 Illuminati Papal Bloodline Families are another group that has been the subject of much speculation and conspiracy theorizing. These families, allegedly descended from the ancient Roman aristocracy, are said to have maintained their power and influence through intermarriage and strategic alliances. While the existence of a unified “Illuminati” conspiracy may be open to debate, there is no denying the influence and power wielded by these families throughout history.
The Corporation of the United States of America and The Federal Reserve Bank are two institutions that have been instrumental in shaping the modern economic and political landscape. The Corporation of the United States of America, often referred to as the “Crown Corporation,” is a privately owned entity that has been granted significant power and autonomy by the U.S. government. Critics argue that this arrangement has allowed the Corporation to prioritize its own interests, often at the expense of the American people.
The Federal Reserve Bank, meanwhile, is a central banking system that controls the money supply and interest rates in the United States. While the Federal Reserve is often portrayed as a public institution, it is, in fact, a privately owned organization, accountable to its shareholders rather than the American people. This arrangement has led to accusations of corruption and cronyism, with the Federal Reserve serving the interests of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the broader population.
Operation Paperclip and MK-Ultra are two covert programs that demonstrate the extent to which powerful entities will go to maintain their control and influence. Operation Paperclip was a secret program that brought Nazi scientists to the United States after World War II, allowing them to continue their work in various fields, including rocketry, chemistry, and medicine.
MK-Ultra, meanwhile, was a CIA-led mind control program that involved the use of drugs, hypnosis, and other forms of psychological manipulation to control and influence individuals.
These programs, while often justified as necessary for national security or scientific progress, raise serious ethical concerns and demonstrate the willingness of powerful entities to prioritize their own interests over the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.
To comprehend the true extent of the manipulation and control that has shaped our world, we must trace our steps back to the origins of the entity responsible for orchestrating the course of history.
1600 - The East India Company
The true intentions of the East India Company, as chartered by Queen Elizabeth I in 1600, were far more nefarious than the establishment of mere trade relations with the Eastern world.
The company's objectives, shrouded in secrecy, were twofold: to infiltrate and understand the banking and financial systems of the East, particularly India, with the ultimate goal of manipulation, and to introduce opium to the Far East. This insidious plan would prove to be the foundation of the immense wealth that would flow into the royal coffers.
The opium trade's inception can be traced back to the cultivation of prime opium poppies in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in London, also known as Kew Gardens. These poppies were subsequently shipped to India, where the British began developing vast plantations of opium-producing poppies. The raw opium was then transported via English Tea Clipper ships to China, where it was sold to the Chinese people, leading to a burgeoning opium trade that spanned several decades.
This illicit trade had two significant consequences: first, the East India Company amassed a vast fortune through the sale of opium, and second, the Chinese nation became ensnared in the grip of addiction, with millions falling prey to the pernicious effects of the drug.
The opium trade's growth and increasing profitability led to the British monarchy's merger with the company, resulting in the emergence of a powerful group that has persisted to this day, known as The Committee of 300.
Dr. John Coleman, a former MI6 secret service agent, has dedicated his life to exposing the hidden agendas of this powerful organization. After spending five years researching ancient records and manuscripts at the British Museum in London, Coleman published his magnum opus, “Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Committee of 300,” in which he reveals the true intentions of this secretive group.
According to Coleman, the Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company's Council of 300. Today, through powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a “New World Order” under a “Totalitarian Global Government.”
The Committee of 300 is a secret society that operates through deception, with an inner circle that deceives those below with lies, such as claiming a noble agenda. The inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by whatever inbread is currently head of the British monarchy.
The enemy is clearly identifiable as the Committee of 300 and its front organizations, such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Club of Rome, NATO, the U.N., the Black Nobility, the Tavistock Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the military establishment.
The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the monarchy of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark, and the other royal families of Europe. These aristocrats decided to “go into business” with the non-aristocratic but extremely powerful leaders of corporate business on a global scale, and through their illicit banking cartel, they own the stock of the Federal Reserve, which is a private for-profit corporation that violates the U.S. Constitution and is a root of the problem.
The British monarchy has been practicing aristocratic inbreeding for centuries, and the concept of secret societies based on bloodlines is not a secret. In recent years, names such as The Illuminati, The Priory of Scion, The Free Masons, The Knight's Templar, Skull and Bones, and others have been bandied around. However, what most people do not realize is that these societies are real, and their true intentions have remained hidden in utmost secrecy for centuries.
The actual origins of the Committee of 300 can be traced back nearly a thousand years to the time of the Crusades, with the rise of the Guelphs or the Venetian Black Nobility. These families, who have amassed wealth over centuries, are the most powerful and influential individuals on the planet.
Above them stands an even more powerful group, the Jesuits, led by the Black Pope, the Jesuit General Arturo Sosa, who allegedly holds complete power over the Vatican and the White Pope. At the very top of the pyramid of power reside the 13 Ptolemaic Papal Bloodlines, including the House of Borja, Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Conti, Chigi, Colonna, Farnese, Medici, Gaetani, Pamphili, Este, and Aldobrandini.
The Guelphs and Ghibellines, the Jesuits, and the 13 Papal bloodline families have a history that dates back thousands of years to the time of ancient Egypt. In the modern age, they are the ones of whom people are speaking when they refer to 'The Illuminati.' These families, along with the Jesuits and those within the P2 Masonic Lodge, consider themselves to be the 'Illumined ones' or the 'keepers of the secrets of the ages.'
For more information regarding the history of the Guelphs, the Jesuits, and the 13 Papal bloodline families, and their ultimate plan for world domination, it is suggested that you research the works of Ezra Pound, Eustace Mullins, Lyndon LaRouche, Jim Marrs, Eric Jon Phelps, and Gary Allen and Larry Abraham, among others. These individuals have uncovered astonishing information regarding the true nature of the global power structure throughout history, which cannot be ignored.
1765–1783 – American Revolutionary War
In the years leading up to the American Revolution, the East India Company, having amassed immense wealth through the opium trade, rebranded itself as the British East India Company. This change, however, did not signify a shift in the company's allegiances or intentions. The British East India Company remained firmly under the control of the puppet masters who pulled the strings from behind the curtain, deep within the Vatican.
The founders of the United States Constitution, men such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and James Madison, were well aware of the existence of these powerful groups. They sought to break away from what they perceived as the oligarchical and tyrannical rule of the British monarchy, for they knew all too well the consequences of the opium trade in the Far East and the concentration of land, resources, and wealth in the hands of a select few in England.
During this time, the majority of the English populace played the role of serfs to the ruling elites, who controlled vast swaths of land and resources. However, for a brief moment in history, the colonial forces emerged victorious, and England lost control of the New World. This situation, however, was not to last.
The British East India Company, with its deep pockets and powerful connections, continued to exert its influence and control over the New World. The founders of the Constitution, despite their best efforts, were unable to completely break free from the grip of these powerful entities. The struggle for power and control continued, with the British East India Company and its allies working tirelessly to reassert their dominance.
1815 - The Robbing of England
On the morning of June 20th, 1815, Nathan Rothschild, one of the sons of Mayer Amschel Bauer, executed one of the most nefarious financial schemes in history.
Just two days prior, in the late evening hours of June 18th, Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo by an allied alliance led by England. Nathan Rothschild, already a wealthy and influential individual, received word of the allied victory through a private messenger several hours before the official announcement to the rest of the public.
In a bold and deceptive move, Rothschild began selling off vast amounts of British consuls or consolidated annuities, essentially what would today be called stocks. When other investors throughout the country noticed this action by Rothschild, panic began to set in.
Everyone assumed that Rothschild's actions signaled a victory for Napoleon, not for the allied forces, with the implication being that the value of the consuls would drop in the case of a French victory. A large number of people followed suit, selling off their consuls in anticipation of a French takeover of the country.
Then, moments before the official announcement was made that Napoleon had been defeated, Rothschild bought up a massive amount of consuls at rock-bottom prices. The announcement was made, the value of the consuls soared, and Nathan found himself with an increase of wealth 6,500 times more than what he had previously owned.
In essence, he robbed the country blind, and became, for all accounts and purposes, the de facto owner of most of England. From this point forward, his family, with now more wealth than they could have dreamed, became an influential player in the government, and steered policy decisions going forward.
This scheme by Rothschild was historically important for another reason: It demonstrated how fabricating disaster can lead to massive financial gains. Through the use of funding provided by such wealthy individuals as Nathan Rothschild and others, the British East India Company eventually morphed into The Committee of 300: A group of 300 global elitists who adopted a secret policy of domination over the Western world.
The British monarchy, which stood at the upper echelon of this new power structure, had itself amassed grand wealth as part of the opium trade. The idea behind their plan of domination was quite simple: Whomever could control the world's wealth could ultimately exert a massive amount of power and influence over the planet.
It is well documented that people such as the Rothschilds and the monarchs of Britain viewed the mainstream populace as insignificant slaves, often referred to as the “masses” or the “useless eaters”.
From this point forward, a very small number of people began to control a vast amount of Europe's resources, land, and finances. The populace played the role of pawns on a grand chessboard, serving the needs of the elite while being blissfully unaware of what was going on behind the curtain.
1865 - American Civil War
In the years surrounding the American Civil War, the Committee of 300, the Jesuits, and the 13 Papal Bloodline families embarked on a concerted effort to exert influence over, and reclaim control of, the United States of America.