With the government justifying Digital IDs to get services paid by the taxpayers, the solution is to shrink government and demand services be under local administration. We should recognize that we were better served with town Dr.s, smaller schools or even home schooling. Bigness has always been the problem with no accountability. Bigness diminishes responsibility and personal service but it raises profit. Creating specialist categories in any service hides incompetence of people who only see one aspect of your need missing the whole person. You don't build a house hiring carpenters, plumbers and electricians separately. You hire a general contractor who survives by his reputation in the local community. He sees all the needs and issues at once, all the time. Same for a general practice physician.

Specialization leads to bigness with the most valuable information being the cross connects between information silos simply lost that a general provider would pick up.

I would like to return human services to local control and administration by people you know and in turn know you and your family's unique needs. We are over-doctored, over-lawyered, over-teachered and etc with far too much overhead administration. There are more administrators than professors at Yale. This pattern is throughout the system. That says much that is wrong about education.

Government should be removed as the supplier of human services at all levels but for major disasters and national protection as Bastiat laid out in "The Law".

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Thanks Lily, thoughtful and thorogh as ever.

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Only problem is, in the UK Sainsbury's & Tesco's payment systems have failed, we did not get our delivery today & we do not know when we will get it . . imagine your I.D NOT WORKING just when you need it to . . Klaus vill not be HAPPY! https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/sainsbury-s-and-tesco-technical-issues-supermarket-ceo-apologises-after-glitch-hits-online-food-deliveries/ar-BB1k05WH

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The crypto bros will bring us blockchain, digital IDs, crypto currency. Go RFK Jr., go! Keep fooling the sheep.

Thank you for this reminder - digital slavery is around the corner.

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