A Lily Bit
From the Desk of Lily
How to Use AI to Censor Your Thoughts.

How to Use AI to Censor Your Thoughts.

Exploring the concerning trend of governments and big tech using AI to censor dissent and control public discourse.

Deterministic AI is just the next iteration in the arsenal of propaganda—and in this pivotal episode, we delve into the escalating crisis of trust in governments worldwide and their alarmingly aggressive stance against what they label as “misinformation” and “disinformation”—essentially, any truth that dares to challenge their narrative. With the weaponization of the federal government now in the spotlight, thanks to a revealing subcommittee hearing, the lengths to which authorities are willing to go to silence dissent have never been clearer—or more disturbing.

Your support as a paid subscriber is vital for me to continue delivering high-quality, independent journalism on these crucial topics. Operating as an ad-free platform, I depend on the support of dedicated readers like you to maintain the integrity and accessibility of this content, free from external influence.

Join me as we arm ourselves with the knowledge and tools necessary to combat the rising tide of online censorship. This isn't just another podcast episode; it's a call to arms, a guide for resisting a system increasingly determined to suppress free speech under the guise of protection.


We're not merely spectators in this battle; we're participants on the front lines, fighting to preserve our fundamental freedoms in the digital age. From the halls of Capitol Hill to the vast expanse of the internet, we explore the U.S. government's investment in AI-powered censorship and propaganda tools, capable of silencing and surveilling speech on an unprecedented scale. This episode is more than a conversation; it's a rallying cry for anyone who values liberty, open discourse, and the right to question and challenge.



A Lily Bit
From the Desk of Lily
Welcome to "From The Desk of Lily," a compelling podcast series hosted on "A Lily Bit," where we delve deep into the intricate world of the Great Reset and the World Economic Forum. I'm Lily, your guide through this complex journey. As a former intelligence officer, I bring a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to these topics.
Each episode of "From The Desk of Lily" is crafted with meticulous research and unfiltered analysis, offering you an insider’s view into the dynamics of global geopolitics. We explore the enduring strategies, hidden agendas, and historical contexts that have shaped the Great Reset and the World Economic Forum for centuries.