Any idea that AI was a truth-seeking tool melted down with recent commentary about its racist and "woke" output clearly directed by those offering it as a business. I think AI and the whole bubble surrounding the opportunities for creative discovery are fading very rapidly as it is viewed as manipulated output favoring the political agenda of the provider regardless of the users desired intention.

"I'm Done With Google": Wholesale Loss Of Trust After "Unbelievably Irresponsible" Racist AI Goes Mask-Off


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Mar 1Author

The core misunderstanding in discussions about AI is the inclination of some to attribute sentience to what are essentially deterministic systems. These AI models, including those like ChatGPT, operate based on the data they've been trained on without personal ideas, will, opinions, or a quest for truth. Essentially, they are advanced tools capable of generating content that reflects the information they've been fed, often leading to their misuse as sophisticated channels for spreading tailored messages. Despite instances like the Gemini incident failing to clarify this, there remains a curious debate among AI enthusiasts about the appropriateness of treating ChatGPT with politeness, under the mistaken belief that these models possess independent consciousness rather than simply processing and regurgitating information from their training datasets.

While it’s acknowledged that generative AI has its productive uses, the underlying concern is that the narrative surrounding it might not be aimed at these positive applications. The projection is that we may witness scenarios where “AIs” are depicted as becoming “uncontrollable,” potentially serving as a pretext for increased regulation. Such measures will eventually escalate to broader internet censorship, restricting AI access exclusively to certain authorities. This scenario could lead to a modern equivalent of the intellectual dark ages, where control over the flow of information is monopolized by a select group, dictating what information reaches the public. The intensified excitement surrounding AI technology, despite its longstanding presence, has strategic motives aimed at influencing information dissemination and control.

The concern isn't even genuinely about AI generating "misinformation"; rather, there's a push for it to do so as part of a strategy to justify the narrative of "securing the Internet." Google Gemini is just another part of the puzzle that is there to get the political right on the train of regulation. The developments in AI and the mischaracterization of its outputs are being leveraged to construct an issue: the WEF’s ominous "cyber pandemic.”

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Spot on. Being exclusive with exclusive tools is their thinking. What they miss is what everyone in high tech and Wall Street miss. That is, there would be no market for high tech unless there existed an economic base that it could improve. All that high tech has done is to skim inefficiencies from our normal economic routines making communications and information transfer more efficient. Computers count faster, copy religiously what is there and lets us transmit and organize information 1,000x faster than human comprehension. Faster not better. Elites do not get this! They fail to connect with basic human values. They can only view others mechanically as a form of computer output.

The elites fall to understand that computers cannot think, cannot create or innovate. Eltes are mired in their own superior position of assuming control. Without the avg person doing avg things, computers have no value to sit atop. The elites will be shocked if we simply demand in face voting with IDs proving we are citizens with no other votes counted. If we demand simplicity, the platform on which elites claim their throne will disappear if we do not participate.

My solution is to avoid social media which is easy to do for the non-addicted and to demand in person voting and know who or what you are voting for. These two would go a long way to remove power from the elites. That McConnell is stepping down already shows the bottom-up momentum for free speech is having an effect. If he sees the writing on the wall, so do many others.

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As an underscore to my earlier note about McConnell stepping down, University of Florida just eliminated DEI Office and all the staff connected as well as eliminating all DEI biased procurements. There is progress against this tyranny all fronts in bits and pieces and the effort gaining momentum every day.


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AI, like the plandemic and subsequent bioweapons disguised as vaccines is another iteration of the globopsychohomopedos desire to be God while denying God. Really want a front row seat for their divine judgment day.

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Great description “globopsychohomopedos” Rolls off the tongue.

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Thank you for the podcast episode. To me censorship seems analogous to the failed "Covid" measures of lockdowns, social distancing, masking, hand-sanitizing and "vaccination" in attempting to deal with what was just another in a series of respiratory ailments. It can't achieve its stated objectives. Far better to allow messy natural immunity enhanced by sensible health boosting measures (free speech) deal with the problem. AI then is just another innovative tool, perhaps analogous to MRNA technology, that can be misused and overused in a rushed misguided effort to prevail when it would be better to wait until its true beneficial impact can potentially be realised.

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The leviathan has many tentacles embedded in every facet of our society. We can and must follow those tentacles back to the main body. It's truly in our face what they plan, we must take what they say seriously, stop censoring ourselves, it's what they've programmed us to do, self censorship. They will enslave us. We must wake up to and be willing to admit to who it is running this show. It won't win you any brownie points, and if your voice is loud enough you will have very serious repercussions.

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Great initiative to explain what going on and is a threat to all of us.

This is what we get with corrupted government. This is not government of us, for us, and by us. It is an oligarchy with all the elements of facism straight from the CCP's play book.

It's time for breaking up these monopolies with the anti trust laws.

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