The Unspoken War: The Blueprint to Control
The Guide to Government and Economic Interaction for Turning You Into Cattle, Obedient to Their Agenda.
This guide delves into the complex interplay between government and economic forces, shedding light on how these dynamics can shape individuals and societies. By delving into these intricate webs, it aims to provide insight into the mechanisms that can sometimes influence individuals' behaviors and perspectives, leading to a sense of conformity and alignment with certain agendas.
Contents at a Glance
Securing the Veil
Dawn of Control
In the Shadow of 1954
The Dominion of Energy
Dissecting the Silent Arsenal
The Master Plan
The Triad of Energy Principles
Illuminating the Energy Matrix
The Elite's Power Principle
The Illusion of Capital
The Point of No Return
The Model of Control
Industry in Chains
Mapping the E-Model
Tides of Time: Oscillations of Doom
Defining Industries and Households
Societal Amplifiers
Prime Tactical Moves
This document serves as a historical record of the concealed Third World War waged by influential financial, intelligence, and governmental entities, utilizing covert biological and psychological methods and employing what are referred to as “silent weapons.”
Enclosed within this article is an introductory portrayal of this hidden struggle, encapsulating its tactics, strategies, and weaponry.
Engaging in discourse concerning societal manipulation, the mechanization of entire societies, and the orchestration of social automated systems (referred to as 'silent weapons') on a national or global scale unavoidably implies ambitious goals of controlling and extinguishing human existence, effectively imposing servitude and extermination.
This manual, by its very nature, is a symbolic manifesto. The need for its confidentiality is indisputable. Otherwise, it risks being identified as an official proclamation of domestic warfare. Moreover, whenever an individual or a group of individuals wielding substantial power employ such knowledge and methodologies for the purpose of economic conquest—without the public's full comprehension or endorsement—a state of internal warfare must be acknowledged between said individuals or groups and the public at large.
Resolving the intricate dilemmas of the present demands an approach characterized by unabashed candor, without indulging in hesitations rooted in religious, moral, or cultural constructs.
Your inclusion in this endeavor results from your capacity to objectively scrutinize human society, dissecting it with detached precision, and yet share your assessments and conclusions with peers of comparable intellectual caliber without forsaking discretion or humility. Such virtues stand to serve your own best interests. Do not waver from them.
The roots of silent weapon technology trace back to the genesis of Operations Research (O.R.), a strategic and tactical methodology incubated within Military Management in England during the crucible of World War II. Inceptionally, Operations Research was designed to unravel the riddles of strategic and tactical challenges entwined with air and land defense, aiming to optimally allocate finite military resources against foreign adversaries (in essence, logistics).
Yet, it didn't take long for discerning minds in positions of influence to fathom the potential of these methodologies for a more audacious purpose – the absolute governance of a society. However, achieving this ambition necessitated more sophisticated tools.
The art of social engineering, akin to scrutinizing and automating a complex mechanism, hinges on meticulously correlating ceaselessly shifting economic data. Hence, the requirement for a high-speed computerized data-processing system, capable of surging ahead of societal dynamics and predicting their inclinations towards subjugation, emerged as imperative.
Early relay computers proved sluggish, but salvation materialized in the form of the electronic computer, conceived in 1946 by J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly.
A quantum leap emerged with the unveiling of the simplex method of linear programming in 1947, sculpted by the visionary mathematician George B. Dantzig.
Then, in 1948, the transistor, bestowed upon the world by J. Bardeen, W.H. Brattain, and W. Shockley, heralded the dawn of a new age in computer technology, fueling the promise of expanded horizons while consuming less space and energy.
With these monumental inventions at their disposal, the elite echelons of power harbored suspicions that they could steer the course of the entire world with a mere tap of a button.
In swift succession, the Rockefeller Foundation joined the fray, extending a four-year grant to Harvard College in 1948. The funding bolstered the Harvard Economic Research Project, aimed at dissecting the intricate structure of the American economy. The United States Air Force followed suit the subsequent year, endorsing the cause.
The grant's term came to a close in 1952, and in the shadows of that juncture, an exclusive conclave of the elite convened, delving into the next phase of their social engineering initiatives. The Harvard project bore prolific fruit, its impact punctuated by the publication of select findings in 1953. These findings tantalizingly hinted at the practicality of engineering economic, and by extension, social paradigms (as evidenced by “Studies in the Structure of the American Economy” – copyright 1953, Wassily Leontief, International Science Press Inc., White Plains, New York).
Thus, conceived within the latter half of the 1940s, the nascent machinery of the Silent War manifested, akin to a resplendent showcase exhibit, replete with gold-plated hardware, by the year 1954.
The unveiling of the maser in 1954 promised access to untapped reservoirs of fusion atomic energy through heavy hydrogen present in seawater. This presented a potential goldmine of boundless social power, lying tantalizingly just a few decades ahead. The allure was irresistible.
And thus, in the secrecy-shrouded year of 1954, the International Elite discreetly sounded the clarion for the commencement of the Silent War.
While a partial unveiling of the silent weapons system is presently unfolding, the advent of the Internet, their most potent instrument, has unexpectedly turned against them. Nonetheless, the advancement of this new arsenal has largely proceeded without significant hindrance.
This compendium stands as a testament, marking the soon 70th anniversary since the advent of the Silent War. In this span, this covert domestic conflict has achieved numerous victories across the global arena, each one a strategic conquest in its own right.
Amid the shadows of 1954, it stood as an inescapable truth, an unspoken acknowledgment, that those occupying the highest echelons of authority understood with uncanny clarity – the cradle of power, once shrouded in secrecy, was now vulnerable to eventual revelation. A mere handful of decades loomed on the horizon, a countdown to the moment when the general populace would unravel the enigma and disrupt the delicate equilibrium. The very components that underpinned this novel technology of silent weapons lay equally attainable in a public utopia, mirroring their accessibility in creating private enclaves of paradise.
At the epicenter of this burgeoning evolution lay the paramount issue – that of dominion, of establishing supremacy and holding sway. Yet, the fulcrum around which this issue pivoted was none other than the profound and intricate domain of energy sciences.
Energy, the very pulse that animates every facet of our world, is acknowledged as the ultimate orchestrator of activity on Earth. The realm of natural science embarks on a quest to fathom the founts and governance of natural energy, while social science, often encapsulated as economics, embarks on a parallel journey to decipher the sources and mastery of social energy. Both disciplines are intrinsically akin to bookkeeping systems, intricate mathematical tapestries that weave the fabric of control. Hence, the profound revelation surfaces: mathematics, the quintessential language of order, emerges as the primary energy science. And in this universe of calculations, the role of the bookkeeper assumes a regal stature – for within ignorance of the methodology of bookkeeping, lies the potential to wield dominion.
Scientific exploration, in all its facets, serves as a conduit to an ultimate goal. Knowledge assumes the role of the means, while control emerges as the coveted end. Beyond this nexus, one central query endures: Who shall emerge as the inheritor of this orchestrated power?
In the year 1954, this question unfurled as the paramount dilemma. Although the veneer of so-called “moral quandaries” veiled the discourse, in the grand scheme governed by the laws of natural selection, a consensus materialized: a society – be it a nation or the world at large – that relinquishes the deployment of its cognitive faculties stands little above animals bereft of intellect. Such societies mirror beasts of burden, willingly trading their intelligence for servitude, existing as both workforce and sustenance.
It was following this understanding, in the interest of propelling forth a future marked by global order, tranquility, and harmony, that a clandestine war took root against the American populace. The ultimate objective? A permanent transference of the wellspring of natural and social energy, colloquially understood as wealth, from the hands of the undisciplined multitude to the deserving few – the self-disciplined, responsible, and esteemed elite.
For the realization of this profound shift, the creation, securing, and application of new instruments were deemed essential. These instruments, however, differed remarkably from conventional weaponry, concealing themselves in a cloak of subtlety and sophistication so profound that they earned the epithet “silent weapons.”
In the dénouement, the grand aspiration of economic research, as steered by the captains of capital (the banking elite) and the custodians of commodities (goods) and services, unfurls as the establishment of an economy characterized by total predictability and manipulability.
To sculpt an economy governed by utter predictability, the lower echelons of society demand complete control, necessitating their domestication, training, and harnessing to enduring societal responsibilities – roles bestowed from an early age, before curiosity could fuel dissent. Such conformity necessitates the disintegration of the traditional lower-class family structure, driven by an escalating occupation of parents and the advent of government-run childcare centers for the children left adrift by occupied parents.
The educational nourishment bestowed upon the lower strata must be a pale shadow of its true potential, casting a veil of ignorance that isolates the inferior from the superior. This strategic ignorance shackles even the brightest minds of the lower class, constraining their escape from their predetermined destinies. This pattern of subjugation forms the cornerstone of societal equilibrium, birthing a semblance of order, serenity, and peace – all for the benefit of the ruling elite.
All that is anticipated from a conventional weapon becomes a silent weapon's inherent purpose, albeit channeled through its distinctive mode of operation.
This weapon doesn't discharge bullets; instead, it fires scenarios – propelled not by chemical explosions, but by intricate data processing. It emerges from the fusion of data fragments, not the ignition of gunpowder; it's wielded not by a marksman, but by a computer programmer; it takes its cues not from a military general, but from a banking magnate.
Silent weapons trade in invisible reverberations; no deafening explosions, no visible physical or mental scars, no overt disruption of daily lives. Yet beneath the deceptive quietude, this weapon resonates with a distinct 'noise.' It inflicts subtle physical and mental harm, it stealthily corrodes the fabric of social existence. But this veneer of secrecy ensures that it remains imperceptible to the uninitiated, the untrained eye.
The masses remain oblivious, incapable of comprehending this cryptic weapon's assault – a paradox born from its technical complexity. They might sense an unsettling disquiet, but this discomfort emerges from a realm so nebulous that they lack the vocabulary to articulate it. The dilemma is exacerbated by their incapacity to counteract it with intelligence, to craft a rational response. The irony lies in their inability to seek aid, to band together in self-defense.
The insidious nature of the silent weapon lies in its gradual deployment. Society adapts, accommodating its encroachment on personal lives, unaware of the pressure being subtly applied – a psychological grip, often masquerading as economic duress. The pressure persists, ratcheting up until the breaking point is reached, and the veneer of equilibrium shatters.
Thus, the silent weapon assumes the form of a biological warfare, a siege on the vitality, freedom, and autonomy of a society's individuals. It targets the very sources of their natural and social energy, exploiting their physical, mental, and emotional vulnerabilities. It's a mechanism that thrives on understanding, manipulation, and exploitation, eroding the very essence of strength that underpins humanity's existence.
The tapestry of today's silent weapons technology finds its roots in a seemingly unassuming seed – an idea that was unearthed, eloquently articulated, and wielded with exceptional efficacy by a man of profound influence, Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Within the contours of this idea lay the missing component of economic theory, a revelation known as economic inductance. Yet, it's imperative to acknowledge that the terminology of the 21st century was foreign to Mr. Rothschild's musings. His insights germinated in a different era, and the evolution of mathematical analysis awaited the dawn of the Second Industrial Revolution, the ascendancy of mechanical and electronic theories, and the culmination of the electronic computer's invention before it could be harnessed to effectively govern the world's economic trajectory.
Within the realm of energy systems, three fundamental concepts stand as pillars of understanding: potential energy, kinetic energy, and energy dissipation. These principles find their counterparts in the realm of physical systems – idealized, pristine manifestations known as passive components.
In the tapestry of physical mechanics, potential energy manifests through the quality of elasticity or stiffness, epitomized by the tautness of a spring. In the realm of electronics, this potential energy finds its dwelling in a capacitor, a vessel for storing this potency. However, instead of elasticity or stiffness, this property is baptized as “capacitance.”
Kinetic energy, a testament to the essence of motion, finds its anchor in the realm of inertia or mass within the universe of physical mechanics. A mass in motion, akin to a spinning flywheel, symbolizes this kinetic energy. Transitioning into electronics, the baton is passed to an inductor, an element nestled within a magnetic field. In this domain, the appellation shifts from inertia to “inductance.”
Energy dissipation, encapsulating the transformation of energy into heat, is a province governed by the forces of friction or resistance in the arena of physical mechanics. Dashpots or analogous devices perform this energy alchemy. In the realm of electronics, the mantle falls upon the shoulders of a component known either as a resistor or a conductor. The former, “resistor,” often denotes the more ideal instrument, such as a wire, serving as a conduit for the efficient transmission of electronic energy from one juncture to another. Resistance or conductance are the measures by which this property is quantified.
Economic landscapes mirror these three energy concepts:
Economic Capacitance: An embodiment of potential energy is reflected in the financial capital realm, encompassing money, stock, inventory, and investments in tangible assets.
Economic Conductance: Analogous to kinetic energy, this facet is encapsulated in the flow coefficients of goods, signifying the fluidity of production.
Economic Inductance: Drawing parallels to energy dissipation, this attribute emerges from the influence of the population on industrial output, a web of services intertwining with societal demands.
It's a marvel to recognize that the rich tapestry of mathematical theory spun in the study of one energy system instantaneously finds application within any other energy system. The universe of mechanics, electronics, and beyond unfurls its secrets, unveiling the interconnectedness between disciplines like mechanics and economics.
Within the annals of history, a seminal discovery unfurled at the hands of Mr. Mayer Amschel Rothschild – a discovery that epitomized the very bedrock of power, influence, and dominion over human will, channeled through the intricacies of economics. The essence of this revelation can be distilled into a succinct axiom: “Assume the guise of power, and others will willingly bestow it upon you.”
Mr. Rothschild unraveled a truth that reverberates through the corridors of time: currency and deposit loan accounts hold an aura of power, an aura that can be wielded to beckon individuals into the folds of surrender. It mirrors the phenomenon of inductance in the realm of physics, with individuals mirroring a magnetic field. Under the tantalizing allure of promised affluence, people were prompted to relinquish their tangible wealth for a mere pledge of future prosperity – an exchange that bypassed genuine compensation for a promise of greater riches.
Ingeniously, collateral in the form of tangible assets was pledged in return for loans bestowed in the guise of promissory notes. Mr. Rothschild ingeniously discovered that he could proffer more notes than the assets backing them, as long as the persuasive allure of someone else's gold could captivate his clientele.
Individuals and even governments fell within the scope of Mr. Rothschild's loan dispensations. The cycle he orchestrated was as intricate as it was ingenious. The initial issuance of promissory notes engendered a climate of overconfidence, a prelude to the next stage. Subsequently, currency supply was strangled, the system's reins tightened, and contracts invoked to seize the pledged collateral. This orchestrated dance would then repeat, each time tugging the strings of control tighter.
These maneuvers weren't mere financial symphonies; they held the potential to ignite geopolitical conflagrations. Wars could be ignited, their flames fanned through these orchestrated pressures. The flow of currency could be throttled, granting the wielder dominion over the victor. A strategic maneuver unfolded: governments offering control of their economic domains gained Mr. Rothschild's support.
The dark ballet of debt collection was orchestrated with a twist – economic aid flowed to the debtors' adversaries, ensuring the harvest of debts. This economic methodology channeled unprecedented profit into Mr. Rothschild's coffers, exponentially fueling his wealth expansion.
In the labyrinthine corridors of currency control, Mr. Rothschild discerned the voracious appetite of public greed. It emboldened governments to decree the printing of currency beyond the constraints of tangible backing – a dance with the devil that led to a perilous spiral of inflation, transcending the bounds of precious metals or the production of tangible goods and services.
In the complex labyrinth of economic structures, a peculiar masquerade unfolds – a deceptive dance where credit poses as an entity dubbed “currency.” Yet, under the veil of its name, this credit parades as capital, though, in truth, it is a negation of capital, casting a shadow of negative capital. The veneer of service conceals a more sinister reality – indebtedness, an intricate web of economic inductance camouflaged as economic capacitance. Unbalanced, it emerges as a force that, if left unchecked, will find equilibrium through the negation of the population – a haunting echo of war and genocide. The true repositories of value, encompassing all goods and services, constitute the bedrock of capital – the gross national product. Currency can be minted up to this echelon, still portraying economic capacitance. However, when this threshold is exceeded, the fabric unravels, yielding economic inductance, akin to the influx of notes of indebtedness.
In this orchestrated symphony, war emerges as an unsettling equilibrium mechanism – a counterbalance achieved through the annihilation of true creditors, the unsuspecting public who have been artfully trained to exchange genuine value for a façade of inflated currency. The residual vestiges of natural resources then become the backdrop against which the system leans for sustenance and regeneration.
Mr. Rothschild's revelation lay in the realization that currency wasn't merely a medium of transaction; it bestowed him with the power to meticulously reconfigure the economic landscape in his favor. It enabled the maneuvering of economic inductance into strategic positions that would foment optimal instability and oscillation, perpetuating the cycle of control.
The ultimate mastery of economic control, however, remained elusive until the advent of an era marked by copious data and the emergence of high-speed computing prowess. This technological evolution furnished the tools needed to vigilantly monitor the convulsions within the economic fabric, orchestrated by shock-inducing price fluctuations and the relentless proliferation of paper energy credits – a testament to paper inductance and inflation's forceful embrace.
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