Excellent and well researched (as always). Thanks so much for your valuable articles. Always on point. Happy 2024 to you, your colleagues & loved ones.

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Thank you. Same to you!

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The manipulating elites behind WEF, Biden and a long string of world and business leaders are in fact simpletons. They are sociopaths and miss the ordinary human sensitivities involved in human communication and value system by which we routinely seek to see the human worth in others. It is an intangible talent in most of us that pays attention to demeanor and tone when someone speaks and connects that to their behavior observed over time. Those who miss this talent are sociopaths who only see others as stepping-stones to building their wealth in society. They refer to this talent as a "Dog Whistle". It is something we operate as second nature. We almost never ever sit silently and define it. But, it is this good will towards others that petrifies the sociopath. He/she feels naked in its presence fearing that their deficit will be discovered and that they will be revealed as frauds. It is why they are aggressive to others and carry false bravado, false modesty in order to conceal what they know keeps them out of normal society.

This is also why they have been blatant in forecasting another global threat. The believe we are stupid and will not have learned from the recent patterns what they are doing. The think one more time they can push us over the cliff and make us beg for their top-down control to save our miserable lives from danger. The fact is, they have awakened a sleeping force much greater than they could imagine. We were not energized before to purposely marginalize certain outlying individuals as we accepted them as part of the normal human condition. Now that we see them for what they are, many are energized to push them out of mainstream society and take back what they falsely manipulated from us.

They have twisted the legal system to screw those who spoke up early. Now, we will use the legal system correctly to repair the social damage they have wrought. Hopefully with enough of us fully energized, we will take steps to recognize the sociopaths within and establish criteria for society to continuously being on guard against this element.

Sociopaths have been with us forever and responsible for all the evil men/women have committed since before recorded history. With current events, we now have enough evidence and enough recognition for the level of evil these people bring that it is time we took steps to isolate this personality from gaining authority in society.

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Great psychoanalysis and acknowledgement of the best and worst of the human condition.

Adding to this is the blindspot of the 'sociopathic or psychopathic narcissist', that he is quite simply. And at the end of the day, a mortal who will die like the rest of us after a period of time passes, and his superpower (in his mind) and all the money and power in the world, will land him in the dirt with Kissinger.

The measure of a human being's worth is his capacity to resist the 'easy road' to the top of the pile (usually over a pile of bodies and others’ misery). Instead of ignoring the consequences of his actions (a true indicator of an unconscious beast in action), he might truly come to see that his actions can bring joy, abundance, love and harmony (without a crown) simply through realising - that this is the greater power of human consciousness.

This is the true power of a flourishing world, not the bombs and overflowing coffers of the most pathetic low-grade beasts who are currently directing the path of our world.

Their fear of death is behind it all. Their fear is so unconscious that they must project it upon the 'other' - and do it over and over and over so that in their mind, they perceive THEY CONTROL LIFE AND DEATH. The same as their attempts to control the sun, the true and only ultimate power. The sun (the Son), however you like to indulge the image, is the boss. They can’t live with that.

The very nature of being a Globalist' means you have no local or body awareness. There is a deliberate avoidance of what is real, what is around you, and how you impact others, and are impacted by that - the humans up the road, your neighbour, or the environment you tear apart thousands of miles away, via a 'digital portal' - a 'stock-market' to get to your 'resources'.

As you point out, they are attracted to 'globalism' itself (hence the plague of these undeveloped humans in the history and new 'industry of globalism') because 'globalism' (a religion of human mental sickness) celebrates and rewards them. WEF is a perfect example of how this works and how it creates an echo chamber around the mental disorder. Whats amusing is them all sitting there shocked that they are not 'popular'... in fact they seem quite 'hurt'. Look out for the hurt narcissist, as the next step is to punish you for thinking such foul thoughts. Enter digital speech suppression so we all SHUT UP.

We do have enough evidence. Let’s hope we can hold our faith and courage as they try to strike the ultimate blow upon us to silence us (in their minds).

Given, I always ponder... one 'EMP' (not from one of their own manipulations) but from the boss 'the Sun', and all of their control comes crashing down in an instant (along with many lives, unfortunately).

It might not be as they think it’s going to be. We need to remember they are deluded psychopaths and think they are in control. Maybe they are not.

Watching Tucker speaking to someone the other day, this chap reminded Tucker that it was only about 140 years ago that there was a 'natural solar EMP event', and it wiped out the entire telegram system in the USA, which was the only technology they had at that time. It would have fried every electric device if it happened now, including the 'digital ID'.

The 'ID' – look that up in old Freudian psych terms. See how they try to control everything, including the unconscious life force itself? They are pathetic losers with very little personal capacity. We are stronger.

They said at the time of the EMP that this kind of 'cook-up' from the sun is not unusual; in fact, it’s a one-hundred-year event. Looks like we are overdue for a barbeque. Best to stock up on the basics, I would say.

Of course, they are up to more than they are saying, but behind it all is their own desperate fear of death. They are petrified, absolutely petrified. The Deagle numbers come to mind all the time. The middle-class West was the only country that took massive declines, and it was all done and dusted by 2025. They have a plan, but they did not plan on the power of humans being directly plugged into the ‘sun’ with or without their circuitry.

Underground bunkers, anyone? Hi Zuck! Is that you down there with your tin foil hat on, behind the Faraday cage?

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There is an historic example of such a social collapse (not quite 100%) in the siege of Stalingrad. Many years ago I read about it - there is good information for those who are making preparations.

Since the deep state doesn't have the absolute control needed (yet), I think the threat is fear-porn at this time. Such a cyber attack and system crash will affect the deep state and their financial systems, too. AI will lose its' dynamic source of data, if it manages to hang on for a while.

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