The Road to Independence from the Globalist Agenda
Simple Steps to Unplug from the Surveillance State
In the twisted worldview of the globalist elite, the solution to humanity's woes lies in the ashes of the old world order, from which they hope to construct a centralized, totalitarian system of control. Should the masses resist this dystopian vision, these would-be rulers have a chilling contingency plan, as revealed in the writings of Max Boot, the Council on Foreign Relations' self-proclaimed “insurgency expert.”
Boot's work centers on a disturbing model of population control, inspired by the brutal tactics employed by the British against communist guerrillas in Malaysia. He seems to take perverse pleasure in detailing how the British cataloged and relocated Malaysian citizens into what amounted to concentration camps, effectively severing the insurgents' support network and ability to blend into civilian populations.
By concentrating food production and leveraging the basic needs of the people, the authorities were able to “educate” the locals on the supposed dangers of the insurgency and manipulate them into compliance.
The parallels between Boot's admiration for these oppressive methods and the potential fate of liberty-loving people are alarming. As the globalist agenda accelerates and the specter of tyranny looms ever larger, it is crucial that we confront the harsh reality of our situation and develop strategies to resist the onslaught of 4th Generation warfare.
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Disturbingly, within the liberty movement itself, there is a tendency to focus more on discussing the problems we face than on proposing concrete solutions. Articles that delve into the grim realities of our predicament often garner far more attention than those offering practical strategies for resistance. This trend is not unique to any one analyst or writer, but rather a pervasive issue that reflects a collective hesitancy to confront the difficult choices that lie ahead.
It is time for a sobering truth: there is no easy way out of this crisis and I don’t have a magical solution. The corrupt system cannot be changed from within, and the political process offers no salvation. Hopes placed in figures like Donald Trump or the Republican-controlled Congress are misguided at best, as they are either unwilling or unable to effect meaningful change.
Half-measures, such as shutting down the Federal Reserve or proposing a debt jubilee, will only exacerbate the crisis in the short term. The global economic system is far too entrenched and interconnected for piecemeal solutions to have any lasting impact. The value of the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency is in jeopardy, and no amount of job creation or political maneuvering can halt the inevitable collapse that looms on the horizon.
Accepting this grim reality is the first step in mounting an effective resistance against the globalist agenda. We must steel ourselves for the challenges that lie ahead and recognize that the road to true freedom will be fraught with hardship and sacrifice. In the face of 4th Generation warfare, we cannot afford to be passive observers, content to merely discuss the problem without taking action.
The Road to Independence: Reclaiming Power Through Simple, Everyday Actions
In the face of the globalist agenda, it is tempting to seek out grand, cinematic solutions to the challenges we face. However, the truth is that the most effective means of resistance lie not in sweeping gestures or dramatic confrontations, but in the small, consistent actions we take in our daily lives. To truly defeat the “new world order,” individuals must focus on reclaiming their independence and self-sufficiency, one step at a time.
This process begins with a fundamental shift in mindset, a willingness to sacrifice certain modern comforts and conveniences in exchange for greater autonomy and control over our own lives. It means learning to provide for our own necessities, whether that be through growing our own food, developing practical skills, or finding alternative sources of energy and resources. It means taking responsibility for our own safety and security, learning to defend ourselves and our loved ones without relying on the state or its institutions.
One of the most critical aspects of this journey towards independence is the move away from grid dependence. By reducing our reliance on centralized utilities and infrastructure, we can begin to insulate ourselves from the potential disruptions and manipulations of the globalist system. This may involve investing in off-grid power solutions, such as solar panels or wind turbines, or simply learning to live more efficiently and minimally.
Education is another key battleground in the fight against globalist control. By homeschooling our children or seeking out alternative educational paths, we can protect the next generation from the indoctrination and conformity of the mainstream school system. We can instill in them the critical thinking skills and independent spirit necessary to resist the siren song of collectivism and technocracy.
In the digital age, it is also crucial that we maintain a healthy skepticism of web-tied technologies and the so-called “internet of things.” While these innovations may offer convenience and connectivity, they also serve as potential vectors for surveillance, data harvesting, and social engineering. By being mindful of our technology use and prioritizing privacy and security, we can limit our exposure to these risks.
Ultimately, the path to independence is one of personal responsibility and self-reliance. It requires us to take an honest look at our own lives and identify the areas where we are most vulnerable to systemic control and manipulation. It means learning to do things for ourselves, to live with less, and to find fulfillment in the simple, authentic pleasures of life.
This is not to say that we must all retreat to the wilderness and live as hermits, typing out manifestos in isolation. Rather, it is about making conscious, deliberate choices in our everyday lives that align with our values and our desire for freedom. It is about building resilience, cultivating skills, and forging connections with like-minded individuals who share our commitment to resisting the globalist agenda.
Unplugging from the Surveillance State
In an age where invasive technologies have become ubiquitous, it is crucial that we take proactive steps to protect our privacy and maintain our autonomy. This means actively removing sources of surveillance from our lives, starting with the devices we carry with us every day.
Stop treating your cell phone as an appendage, and instead, make a conscious effort to leave it behind when it's not absolutely necessary. Cover or disable the cameras on your computers and other devices, and deactivate microphones when they're not in use.
Reject the siren song of “smart” appliances and the internet of things, recognizing that the convenience they offer comes at the cost of your privacy and security.
Refuse to participate in smart grid programs that monitor and control your energy usage, and remove GPS tracking modules from your vehicles.
Be mindful of the information you share online, and resist the urge to document every aspect of your life on social media platforms that profit from your data.
By taking these steps to limit the information you provide to the surveillance state, you can begin to reclaim your privacy and make it more difficult for the globalist elite to monitor, manipulate, and control your life.
Fostering Local Connections in the Face of Globalist Oppression
In a world where the globalist elite seek to divide and conquer, it is more important than ever to build strong, authentic connections with the people around us. Rather than wasting time and energy on superficial online friendships with individuals on the other side of the country, we must focus on cultivating deep, meaningful relationships with those who share our physical space and daily experiences.
The elites fear nothing more than people coming together and organizing outside of their control, as it threatens their ability to monitor, manipulate, and maintain power over our lives. By forming local communities, whether large or small, we force the globalists to spread their resources thin, making it increasingly difficult for them to keep tabs on every group and every individual.
When we populate these groups with members who have a shared history, a deep understanding of one another, and a vested interest in the well-being of their community, we create a fortress that is nearly impenetrable to infiltration and co-option.
It is through these localized, resilient networks of support and resistance that we can begin to reclaim our autonomy, our dignity, and our future from the clutches of the globalist agenda.
Starving the Beast: Resisting Resource Confiscation in the Face of Collapse
In the event of a widespread collapse, the globalist elite will undoubtedly seek to consolidate their power by controlling the flow of essential resources. Their strategy, as outlined by the likes of Max Boot, will be to isolate those who resist their agenda – the freedom-loving individuals who refuse to submit to tyranny – from the rest of the population. They will attempt to confiscate resources from rural communities and distribute them only to their loyal subjects, effectively starving out the undesirables.
To counter this tactic, it is imperative that these rural communities maintain complete control over their resources and refuse to allow the government to dictate how they are dispersed. In essence, the tables must be turned on the globalists, cutting off the flow of resources to the “friendly” concentration camps they hope to establish.
By denying them the leverage of controlling access to necessities, we remove any incentive for individuals to remain in these green zones of oppression. It is a bold and difficult strategy, but one that may ultimately be necessary to break the stranglehold of the globalist elite and ensure the survival of those who value freedom and autonomy above all else.
Vigilante Justice
In a world where the globalist elite continue to wield economics as a weapon of mass destruction against the populace, it is perhaps inevitable that some individuals will take matters into their own hands.
As the crimes of the top globalists become increasingly apparent and their actions more brazen, there may arise a class of vigilantes with the skills and determination to seek out and eliminate these threats to freedom and humanity.
The prospect of lone-wolf actors, operating without the support or coordination of a larger group, is a terrifying one for the globalists, who have grown accustomed to infiltrating and co-opting organized resistance movements. These solitary individuals, driven by a deep sense of justice and a refusal to accept the tyranny of the elite, are far more difficult to predict and track than any group could be.
As social unrest reaches a boiling point, it would not be surprising to see prominent globalists fleeing the country en masse, seeking to escape the retribution of a populace pushed to the brink.
Yet even then, they may not be safe from the righteous anger of those who have been robbed of their freedoms, their livelihoods, and their futures. While I cannot condone or encourage such actions, I recognize that in a world where justice has been so thoroughly perverted, the rise of the vigilante may be an inescapable consequence of the globalists' own hubris and cruelty.
It is essential that we recognize the fragility of our current window of opportunity. Within this decade, the millennial generation will come to dominate the cultural landscape of our nation, and the majority of these precious snowflakes have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the ways of collectivism and cultural Marxism.
They have been taught to silence dissent, to prioritize feelings over facts, and to embrace the false promises of globalism as the solution to all our ills. If we fail to act now, we risk being overwhelmed by this rising tide of conformity and oppression, as the voices of reason and resistance are drowned out by the clamor of the indoctrinated masses.
We have perhaps ten years left before we reach the point of no return, a decade marked by crisis, struggle, and the urgent need for action. In this time, we must work tirelessly to expose the true nature of the globalist agenda, to awaken the slumbering masses to the reality of the chains being fastened around their necks.
We must build resilient communities, forge unbreakable bonds of solidarity, and prepare ourselves for the battles ahead. The alternative is too bleak to contemplate – a world in which the globalists reign supreme, their boots stamping on the face of humanity forever.
The choice is ours, and the time to act is now. Let us not squander this precious opportunity, but instead rise to the challenge with courage, determination, and an unwavering commitment to the cause of freedom. For in the end, it will be our actions, our sacrifices, and our indomitable spirit that will determine the fate of our species and the future of our world.
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A huge part of autonomy is knowing how to stay healthy. I'm seeing a vast gulf in health between people who think that health is something that doctors do, and people who know that much of it is up to the individual.
Nice essay. You are spot on with homeschooling. That is what we are doing. The children were always on the front line, it is long past time we take them out of the trenches by getting them out of the public school system. Build the fortress in their minds, grow the numbers. Perhaps in the future we can achieve critical mass