A huge part of autonomy is knowing how to stay healthy. I'm seeing a vast gulf in health between people who think that health is something that doctors do, and people who know that much of it is up to the individual.

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Nice essay. You are spot on with homeschooling. That is what we are doing. The children were always on the front line, it is long past time we take them out of the trenches by getting them out of the public school system. Build the fortress in their minds, grow the numbers. Perhaps in the future we can achieve critical mass

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Some good thoughts, and I try to do many of these things. Sadly most of my coworkers are besotted by the convenience, and younger people don't know any other way of doing things-don't know how to cook a simple meal, sew a button, basic tasks.

Agree that the Republicans aren't solution. 86 of them just voted to extend the FISA spying on citizens, without a proposed amendment that would require a warrant.

One thing that I do that also makes me feel a little independent of the globalists is that I ride a bicycle for transportation. I kind of hinted at this to some folks a couple weeks ago-I rode a bicycle to the bike night at a local moto cafe. Some of the people there thought it was funny that I rode a foot powered bicycle. I do love motorcycling, and driving, but it's nice to have a method of transportation that is available if for some reason the power grid collapses, or gasoline prices soar into the stratosphere. Not to mention the benefit of exercise.

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Western culture is financialized and all money is debt. The debt is created with our signature on a loan and the bank than becomes the owner of the asset which we can use as long as we pay interest and principal. Same principal as feudalism when the landlord allowed the use of his land in return for his share.

To remain the landlords and keep their power they plan to take it all back by destroying the economy in order to have us default on the loans.

Their methods are climate change and epidemic false narratives so they can rule with fear, and intimidation.

To them it's al about power and control

The money and the weapons they always had already.

Depopulation and replacement of the population with uneducated willing slaves is their method.

The solution therefor is not to play their game.

Don't live beyond your means.

Don't take on any debt.

Protect yourself and your family.

Be careful who and what you trust.

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Great thoughts. We are amassing skills and sustainable practices while avoiding the ‘convenience’ of ‘smart’ technology. I feel good about having more control over my existence and we seek out others in our local environment that have the same goals.

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Great article Lily.

You are 100% right, people need to come to the realization that they are not voting their way out of what is happening.

Focus on the reality of the situation. Stop the endless doom scrolling and voluntarily surrendering every aspect of your personal lives on social media. Turn off the tv, Netflix propaganda. The stress of it mentally is exhausting and unproductive. Turn off all of the life management devices in your home. Leave the cell phone alone. Ditch the Amazon convenience store and get out and support local businesses and vendors, before they are gone. Grow some food, grow your community connections. When you have a clear mind, focus comes easy

Thanks as always for all you do!

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"Articles that delve into the grim realities of our predicament often garner far more attention than those offering practical strategies for resistance." I've noticed that, too. Let's face it, more clicks equals more revenue., who doesn't want to make more money?

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Good, simple common sense recommendations.

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"Disturbingly, within the liberty movement itself, there is a tendency to focus more on discussing the problems we face than on proposing concrete solutions. Articles that delve into the grim realities of our predicament often garner far more attention than those offering practical strategies for resistance." That has certainly been my experience. However, there is now an actual legal solution for the citizens to fix this issue that is practical, nonpartisan, and solves the root cause of control by the political parties and those who control them by changing two government processes to create the first realistic, scalable, direct democracy. Parts of it have been used around the world with great success in eliminating political division and producing better results. If you're interested, you can read the details and a plan to implement it here for free. https://endpoliticsnow.com/

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